COP21 climate conference begins at Paris
PM @narendramodi meets PM Nawaz Sharif at COP 21 in Paris

France is holding COP21 at Paris, across the globe of 193 nation more than 170 to make it to the conference of gala size.Conference to agree on cut of emission rate which can target not more than 2C rise in temperature thus contain the growing of catastrophic and irreversible climate change .
COP21 climate conference begins”. World leaders gathered near Paris on Monday at the start of a two-week UN summit to address climate change. Follow the opening of the COP 21 conference as it unfolds.Media reports The Prince of Wales at the opening ceremony of COP12. Obama and Bill Gates to announce historic investment in clean energy research.Climate Summit in Paris will witness today the launch of international solar alliance. The idea was broached by Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi to harness solar power as a major step to mitigate carbon gas emissions. This also aims at achieving the objective of keeping global warming below 2 degree Celsius between now and 2100.
India has already submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions ( INDC) in which India has committed to generate 100 giga watt solar power energy by 2022.
To give concrete shape to this idea, Mr Modi along with French president Francois Hollande will launch the alliance in presence of Ban Ki Moon today at 1700 hrs in le bourget. A number of head of states and governments are expected to be present at the event.
There are well over 100 countries which are solar rich lying fully or partially between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. These countries– all potential members of alliance– are united by the shared vision to bring clean, affordable and renewable solar energy within the reach of all.
The objective of the solar alliance is to augment solar power generation in these countries with a view to contribute global sustainable development.
‘ Ecology of our Worlds’ with preface by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Francois Hollende would be launched today at Paris Climate Summit.