Talk on security at Indo – Pacific region
Recent developments have elicited fresh thinking about the maritime security situation in the Indo-Pacific region. Please join us at the American Center as our expert panel explores the implications for India of new infrastructure projects, equipment sales, and fleet exercises in the Indo-Pacific and other naval theaters in a panel discussion on January 31.
The invitation is attached. May we request you to please register at: and be seated by 3:45 p.m. Please join us for a reception after the event.
We look forward to meeting you on January 31.
Kindly refer to the security requirements listed below:
• Please carry valid photo identification in original with you for entry.
• The American Center is a two minute walk from the Barakhamba Road Metro Station.
• Mobile phones are allowed within the American Center.
• For security reasons, photography through mobile phones or any other devices is prohibited.
• Laptops, power banks, iPads, tablets, flash drives, cameras and other electronic items are not allowed within the American Center and there is no place to store these.
• American Center does not provide parking on its premises.
• All visitors may be featured in photos or video to be used for promotional purposes or on social media by the American Center or the U.S. Embassy
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New Delhi 110 001, India
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