Sunday, June 17, 2012

Noda:G20 summit agenda is global economic problems

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has left for Mexico to attend a G20 summit to discuss the European debt crisis and other issues.Leaving Japan on Sunday evening, Noda told reporters that the main agenda of the summit is how to respond to global economic problems. He said he hopes the leaders will be able to send a strong message.

Noda said the outcome of the Greek election will be available when the 2-day summit opens in Los Cabos on Monday, and the leaders will take actions based on the result.

Noda added that he will explain how Japan plans to contribute to strengthening the financial base of the International Monetary Fund.He also said he will tell the other leaders that Japan's governing and main opposition parties have agreed to raise the consumption tax and carry out social security reforms.

Noda will only attend the first day of the summit  will return to Japan early on Wednesday morning.
Media agencies 

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