Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Dear Naresh,
Tell the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) to release the real book on torture.
This week, SSCI will vote on whether to adopt a 6,000+ page comprehensive review of CIA interrogation and detention practice post 9/11. It is time that we and the American public know the whole truth. Some continue to argue that torture led us to Osama bin Laden and that the CIA should be allowed to torture again. SSCI’s thorough and objective review will help end that argument once and for all, by demonstrating that torture did not make us more secure.
Opposing torture should not be a partisan issue. President Reagan signed the Convention against Torture. General Colin Powell and other leading security officials have all condemned torture. Those who call for a return to the dark days of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment are able to do so when there is no official accounting of what happened and why it was so counterproductive.
Our national security policy should be based on fact, not fiction. You can make a difference. Tell the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) to set the record straight this week and release the real book on torture.

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