Saturday, March 16, 2013

Modi Namo Mantra at Today Conclave

Modi addressing the reputed media conclave in New Delhi ,stressed that it is essential for us to spread pride in being Indian.Further more he said the essential features of our ancient wisdom coupled with modern ideas mingled in right perspective,the structure we build for social scheme can work wonders.

Turning his development for the nation he quoted  example of Mahatma Gandhi, who changed the independence movement in to mass movement thus the movement became a voice of all citizen of India.
He said ," we need to change our mindset , and development must associate with pride of country."
Gujarat model can be replicated to the whole of the country with this psychic at vanguard of every social scheme which involves the masses with pride for being Indian.

On agrarian society who were battling for shortage of  electricity ,Modi said ," I explained the peasants to work for water not for electricity the matter will be sorted out,the farmers took the stride for modernization of irrigation with drip system and other modern modes, the problem of electricity was thus mitigated by farmers with adoption to the latest technology."

On empowerment of citizen, Modi said when officer from the system fail to deliver or deflect from his path of duty,the citizen on his stance will tell the officer that lest he goes online and the officers will take up work efficiently.

He added rail needs connectivity, with ports and  railine can have private train plying for religious and other paprikarma for private purposes.He  further added we need to think out of the box to rope in private sector in building rail coaches and other sector.
On Q of Host Puri the important subjects ,Modi replied that our mindset need to be changed which is our enemy,let the problem be made converted into opportunities.We must work on demographic dividend, further pointly said Inflation,Corruption,good governance is main stay and we need to bring the system to its best level with accountability ,stability and technology can advance the transparency to mitigate the corruption.
Corruption if checked from apex level the system work at ease.

Finally Modi said,My model of development has not been accomplished but there will. Be some one coming and do the development of such order.

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