PM Hurt By Betrayal of Tata, Ambani, Jindal, Jakhars, Pitroda, Aruna
- India Could Have Been $5 Trillion Economy 2013
August29, 2013
August29, 2013
I am glad that Ratan Tata had admitted to Betrayal by vested interests
who didn’t let Good Policies implemented for public good ‘quite often
in private sector have changed, delayed or manipulated that policy.’
He should have directly talked to PM & FM than hiring Neera Radia to
counter rivals.
who didn’t let Good Policies implemented for public good ‘quite often
in private sector have changed, delayed or manipulated that policy.’
He should have directly talked to PM & FM than hiring Neera Radia to
counter rivals.
Follower of Guru Nanak ji PM is soft and too gentle – I had a close
encounter with him in 2003 when I asked ‘Can a nation make any
progress when 70% of its population (farmers) get 2% of GDP as Bank
Credit?’ He admitted it is to low and since then there is 10 fold
increase in credit to farmers, MSP was doubled in UPA 1 with Loan
Waivers- but it was not followed by policies to let farmers add value
to there produce – Store, Process and Market.
encounter with him in 2003 when I asked ‘Can a nation make any
progress when 70% of its population (farmers) get 2% of GDP as Bank
Credit?’ He admitted it is to low and since then there is 10 fold
increase in credit to farmers, MSP was doubled in UPA 1 with Loan
Waivers- but it was not followed by policies to let farmers add value
to there produce – Store, Process and Market.
The differences between 1991 and 2004/2009 was first INC strength in
Lok Sabha – Congress had 50% seats then therefore full authority to
implement any program, 27% in 2004 and 38% in 2009 – there was Common
Minimum Program with stable partners in 2004 and No Program in 2009.
Lok Sabha – Congress had 50% seats then therefore full authority to
implement any program, 27% in 2004 and 38% in 2009 – there was Common
Minimum Program with stable partners in 2004 and No Program in 2009.
Second companies were not permitted to invest in foreign countries
FERA kept this in check. Since FERA was repealed over $1000b had
flowed out of India that could have added $1000b to Indian GDP.
FERA kept this in check. Since FERA was repealed over $1000b had
flowed out of India that could have added $1000b to Indian GDP.
Ratan Tata himself betrayed India investing over $50b in foreign
countries and not repatriating profits and technologies. I don’t have
the details of latest developments. With the kind of Private Money
atleast one or two states could have come out of poverty line.
countries and not repatriating profits and technologies. I don’t have
the details of latest developments. With the kind of Private Money
atleast one or two states could have come out of poverty line.
Ambani and Jindals were acquiring and hoarding Oil, Gas and Coal blocks,
these could have contributed over $250b to India GDP producing cheap
Oil, Gas and Power and our Foreign Exchange Reserves Could have been
these could have contributed over $250b to India GDP producing cheap
Oil, Gas and Power and our Foreign Exchange Reserves Could have been
Jhakhars were three generations of Betrayals – except some tears gave
nothing to Farmers of India or 800m people that is 10 times population
of Germany – they store, process and market their farm produce but
didn’t want all other farmers to do it.
nothing to Farmers of India or 800m people that is 10 times population
of Germany – they store, process and market their farm produce but
didn’t want all other farmers to do it.
Pitroda an international crook who filed bogus patents was Rasputin in
INC always misleading since 1985 – advising India not to seek Patents.
IPR alone could have contributed $1000b in 10 years to India GDP, 95%
of the technologies we need are not protected in India.
INC always misleading since 1985 – advising India not to seek Patents.
IPR alone could have contributed $1000b in 10 years to India GDP, 95%
of the technologies we need are not protected in India.
Aruna & Mandher like Jakhars promoted worst option to support poor
hungry & starving – instead of raising Minimum Wages to $1500 annually
so that even a poor family may earn over Rs.100,000 annually,
guranteeing only Rs.5000 as annual food subsidy.
hungry & starving – instead of raising Minimum Wages to $1500 annually
so that even a poor family may earn over Rs.100,000 annually,
guranteeing only Rs.5000 as annual food subsidy.
But most shocking was even after Contributing over Rs.50,00,000 crores
to states in 10 years that went in to ‘Drains’ some states demand
‘Backward State Tag’.
to states in 10 years that went in to ‘Drains’ some states demand
‘Backward State Tag’.
His comments on Modi are not without influence – Ratan Tata received
Rs.10,000 crores soft loan from Modi.
Rs.10,000 crores soft loan from Modi.
There had been congenital BETRAYAL by BJP RSS since founding in 1925.
Ultra Mega loot and plunder started in 1998-2004 BJP rule.
Parliamentry debates expose the BETRAYAL – it was repeated in every
There had been congenital BETRAYAL by BJP RSS since founding in 1925.
Ultra Mega loot and plunder started in 1998-2004 BJP rule.
Parliamentry debates expose the BETRAYAL – it was repeated in every
We all knew from 5000 years history Bania BJP RSS nexus in Mega Loot
and sabotage of Indian Economy.
and sabotage of Indian Economy.
We all know Middlemen and Traders suck 50% of our GDP. Before FERA was
repealed – it was Serious Offence to take money out – now there is no
penalty for taking money out of India.
repealed – it was Serious Offence to take money out – now there is no
penalty for taking money out of India.
- Equity holdings by Small Indian Investors is reduced to around 5%.
As per Planning Commission Tax Foregone – Companies declare $200b
annual PBT, $10b Dividend and 1.25b Indians get just $1b dividend.
As per Planning Commission Tax Foregone – Companies declare $200b
annual PBT, $10b Dividend and 1.25b Indians get just $1b dividend.
- Problem of 75% Indians Poor/Farmers is that get only 20% to 30% of
Urban Wages and Value for their produce and when they buy products pay
100% to 200% as traders margin. All they money released by States and
GOI are looted on way – there is therefore Three Way LOOT of poor and
Urban Wages and Value for their produce and when they buy products pay
100% to 200% as traders margin. All they money released by States and
GOI are looted on way – there is therefore Three Way LOOT of poor and
- Over a $1 Trillion had been taken out of India since FERA was
repealed by BJP – Yashwant Sinha, Jethmalani, Shourie, Jailtley
conspiracy under Vajpayee-Advani leadership.
repealed by BJP – Yashwant Sinha, Jethmalani, Shourie, Jailtley
conspiracy under Vajpayee-Advani leadership.
- Over $400b Bank Credit to Industry outstanding little was invested
in India on Creating Manufacturing Facilities, most diverted to
trading importing businesses. The manufacturing out to have created
$100b Tax Revenue, $200b Avoided annual imports, contributed around
$100b of wages and trading margins didn’t materialize.
in India on Creating Manufacturing Facilities, most diverted to
trading importing businesses. The manufacturing out to have created
$100b Tax Revenue, $200b Avoided annual imports, contributed around
$100b of wages and trading margins didn’t materialize.
- 75+ Oil & Gas blocks which were given to RIL & GSPC by BJP
had CONSPIRED to delay investments and hiring Equipments at 5X normal
cost. When we were to get our own cheap Oil & Gas costing around $5
per barrel to extract we import at over $110 per barrel. Public Money
was used to Grab Coal, Minerals, Land, Oil & Gas blocks etc than
creating production facilities.
had CONSPIRED to delay investments and hiring Equipments at 5X normal
cost. When we were to get our own cheap Oil & Gas costing around $5
per barrel to extract we import at over $110 per barrel. Public Money
was used to Grab Coal, Minerals, Land, Oil & Gas blocks etc than
creating production facilities.
- Housing sector $100b plus much more in black – when in USA a Housing
Complex is ready in 4-6 months – our projects take 5-6 years, actually
my tenant could get in 8 years, my attorney got DLF plot 6 years after
booking in phase-I.
Complex is ready in 4-6 months – our projects take 5-6 years, actually
my tenant could get in 8 years, my attorney got DLF plot 6 years after
booking in phase-I.
- Not just that our Housing Companies have created land banks for 100
years in most cases. For example a company developing 100 acres in
year has over 10,000 acres of Land Bank mostly funded by Bank Credits,
and public advance payments.
years in most cases. For example a company developing 100 acres in
year has over 10,000 acres of Land Bank mostly funded by Bank Credits,
and public advance payments.
>> Even if we assume over 1 million acre is owned by Builders @ Rs.1 crore comes to Rs.10,00,000 crores or $200b at old rates.
- ZERO IPR creation – companies IITs, CSIR filed Bogus Patents led by
Sam Pitroda himself to SERVE world market and they in return CRIPPLED
our Patent Office. It takes 5-7 years to get a patent – source ISRO,
DRDO patent filings.
Sam Pitroda himself to SERVE world market and they in return CRIPPLED
our Patent Office. It takes 5-7 years to get a patent – source ISRO,
DRDO patent filings.
- 200,000 MW hydro power, 60,000 MW hydro power projects were
deliberately sabotaged by BJP RSS promoted NGOs. All $400b projects.
deliberately sabotaged by BJP RSS promoted NGOs. All $400b projects.
- Zero FDI in Agriculture & Retail > FDI in these two sectors could
have been $50b annual is Blocked by BJP RSS. Communists have only 20
about seats.
have been $50b annual is Blocked by BJP RSS. Communists have only 20
about seats.
Every time there is Rupee Devaluation BJP RSS had sabotaged Indian Economy.
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In a meeting convened by Union Law Minister Shri Kapil Sibal , the senior officials of all three Municipal Corporations assured to resolve various issues pertaining to trading community. On the behest of the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), Mr. Sibal convened a meeting yesterday at his Shastri Bhawan office at New Delhi whivh was attended by all three MCD Commissioners, Chief Legal Officers, Chief Engineers, Chief Town Planner and other senior MCD officials. The meeting discussed various legal and other issues confronted by traders of Delhi.
The traders delegation led by CAIT Secretary General Mr. Praveen Khandelwal was joined by Delhi including CAIT Delhi State President Mr. Ramesh Khanna, Delhi General Secretary Mr. Vijay Pal and other senior leaders includuing Mr. Sushil Goel, Mr. Dev Raj Baweja, Mr. Shanker Lal Aggarwal, Mr. Satender Jain, Mr. Ram Lal, Mr. Satender Wadhwa, Mr. Vijay Gupta, Mr. Mukesh Gupta etc.
While raising the issue of transfering of sealing and demolition cases to Appelatte Tribunal by Supreme Court recently, the CAIT said that about 700 IAs have been transfered and the Supreme Court has directed to dispose of the IAs at the earliest within a period of one year whereas there is only one Appellate Tribunal and IAs of such a magnitude cant be disposed of in a years time. The CAIT urged for appointment of more tribunals. Mr.Sibal while agreeing with the contention assured that he will take necessary steps in this direction.
On a query on difficulties being faced by the traders in obtaining Trade Licesnses from MCD, the MCD officials informed that they have completely revised the policy and a new simplified policy will be announced very shortly. The CAIT said that traders of Delhi are running from pillar to post even for a small clarification or for other matters and such the MCD should appoint specific officer to deal with issues of traders. All three MCD Commissioners present in the meeting nominated Mr. Shamsher Singh, Chief Town Planner as Nodal Officer for the purpose.
The MCD Officials also assured to look into issues of parking and conversion charges raised by the CAIT and with regard to development of further parking lots in Delhi sought cooperation of the traders in identifying suitable land for construction of parking lots in their respective areas.
Mr. Sibal directed the MCD officials to take issues of traders on priority basis and stressed that under no circumstances the provisions contained in the Master Plan 2021 or other provisions stipulated in The National Capital Territory of Delhi (Special Provisions) Second Act, 2011 should be violated by MCD. The Act provides an embargo of any kind of punitive action in Delhi till 31st December, 2014.
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September 26-27, 2013
Jacaranda Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Air quality: In 2010, air pollution-related diseases led to about 620,000 premature deaths in India.
Public transport: A bus occupies twice the road space taken by a car, but carries 40 times more passengers.
Walking and cycling: Delhi tops in daily cycling trips and is second only to Mumbai in walking trips. But are our footpaths and roads really geared towards walking and cycling?
Car restraint and parking: A car needs about 23 sq m to be comfortably parked. A poor family in Delhi gets a plot of just 18-25 sq m.
Fiscal measures: The 12th Plan working group says an estimated investment of about Rs 3,88,308 crore is needed for the transportation sector. Where will this money come from?
Para-transit: The informal para-transit sector – autos and taxis — has a strong link with livelihood security of the poor. What is the integration plan between the formal public transport system and the para-transit sector?
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites journalists from South Asia to this conclave of changemakers.
Participation procedure
- Participation at the conclave is open only to active journalists from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and India
- There are only 45 seats in the conclave. Interested journalists can apply through e-mail or fax on the format provided below to the undersigned.
- There is no participation / registration fee. CSE offers to support the travel and accommodation of some of the selected participants. But to avail of this sponsorship opportunity, interested journalists must apply immediately.
- Selection of the participants will be done by CSE, and its decision will be final.
- The cut-off date for receiving applications is September 10, 2013 or till the sponsored seats are full.
Format for application
- Name:
- Organisation:
- Designation:
- Complete address:
- E-mail:
- Land phones:
- Cellphone:
- Fax:
- Would you like to avail of the travel and accommodation support:
Please send your applications to: Papia Samajdar, Deputy Programme Manager – Media 29955124 ext 282
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Naresh –
In just a few hours, President Obama will be speaking from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s famed speech at the March on Washington.
Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.
Over the next few months, we’re going to have many fights on the issues you and I care so much about.
Today’s anniversary reminds me that anything worth having has never come easy — real change comes when the people who want it come together to make it a reality. That’s why Organizing for Action is here, after all.
Make sure you don’t miss President Obama’s remarks — log on for the interactive livestream at 2:45 p.m. Eastern Time:
Abby Witt
Deputy National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action |
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Daizo Ito, President, Panasonic India honoured as ‘Asia’s Most Promising Leader’ for 2012-2013 in Dubai
28th August, New Delhi, India – Mr. Daizo Ito, President, Panasonic India has been felicitated with Asia’s Most Promising Leader Award 2012-13 in Dubai. Conducted by the World Consulting & Research Corporation (WCRC), this premiere multi brand platform credibility project involves the most promising brands and leaders from various Asian countries that have contributed to the success story and charted a path-breaking progression in the blueprint of the Asian economy. The selection process involves AMP deploying a variegated toolset of intrinsic and extrinsic brand barometers that are advised and evaluated by KPMG in India and validating processes comprising of an eminent panel of international jury members including a highly distinguished and much admired panel from a diverse spectrum.
Mr. Daizo Ito has been successful in leading the brand from the front to build and elevate Panasonic to the stature of Asia’s most promising brands and it is under his leadership and commitment which led the brand to witness a healthy growth over the years. He has been successful in spearheading the turnaround for Panasonic in India since 2008. With a plethora of initiatives led by him, the brand has been able to gain visibility and a strong connect with its consumers.Accepting this award Mr. Ito said “I consider this attainment a team effort and devote this honour to all our trade partners and customers, who are associated with us and my entire team as without their hard work and commitment; it would not have been possible to receive this award. It is certainly reassuring that we as a company are on the right track and this milestone will further strengthen the faith our customers have in us.Mr. Ito’s leadership traits have led the company to flourish over the years as he firmly believes that everyone’s commitment, involvement and empathy towards fellow colleagues is imperative for strengthening healthy social relationships and improving the quality of life of fellow colleagues. He believes in a democratic style of leadership and to live with set of values defines the purpose of doing any activity professionally or personally. He trusts the fact that ideas and creativity should flow freely and encourage the team to communicate their views. Furthermore, according to him, the surest way to achieve success for the company is to also ensure the success of customers and society in which we work.
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The Final Stage of
Airtel Rising Stars 2013 – Delhi Leg
India’s largest under-16 soccer talent hunt
Thursday, 29th August – Quarterfinal
Friday, 30th August – Semifinal
Saturday, 31st August – Final
Time: 10:30 am onwards
Venue: Ambedkar Stadium, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi
Concept Public Relations - Animesh Biswas - – 98917 89639
Abhay Pratap Singh - – 98184 13169
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The Final Stage of
Airtel Rising Stars 2013 – Delhi Leg
India’s largest under-16 soccer talent hunt
Thursday, 29th August – Quarterfinal
Friday, 30th August – Semifinal
Saturday, 31st August – Final
Time: 10:30 am onwards
Venue: Ambedkar Stadium, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi
Concept Public Relations - Animesh Biswas - – 98917 89639
Abhay Pratap Singh - – 98184 13169
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Just Foreign Policy
Dear Naresh,
Sign the petition:
Don’t Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval
Take Action
Dear Naresh,
Sign the petition:
Don’t Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval
Take Action
Americans who want to prevent more U.S. wars have a big stake in the enforcement of the War Powers Resolution. The War Powers Resolution was passed to ensure that the President would not be able to use military force, absent an attack on or imminent threat to the United States, without Congressional debate and approval. It’s a key speed bump – perhaps the most crucial speed bump we have in the United States – to prevent a rush to war. [1]
Press reports suggest that the Administration could launch military strikes in Syria within days. Syria has not attacked the United States, and Syria doesn’t represent an imminent threat to the United States. Under the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution, the Administration is not allowed to use military force in this situation without Congressional approval. But no court will intervene. Only political pressure can enforce the War Powers Resolution.
We set up a petition at MoveOn urging President Obama not to attack Syria without Congressional authorization, and urging Congress to insist on a debate and vote before any U.S. military attack on Syria. More than 14,000 people have signed. If you haven’t signed yet, please sign. Please share it with your networks; if you’ve already shared it, please consider doing so again. We set up this petition yesterday morning. By the end of the day, it had 10,000 signatures. We’d like to reach 20,000 signatures by the end of the day today. (I can tell you from conversations with Congressional staff today that they are aware of our petition.)
President Obama: Don’t Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval
It’s crucial for both Democrats and Republicans who care about Congressional war powers to speak up. Some are doing so. Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee tweeted, [2] “Congress needs to have a full debate.” Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine issued a statement [3] saying, “Absent an imminent threat to United States national security, the U.S. should not be engaged in military action without Congressional approval.” Republican Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-02) is circulating a letter to President Obama urging him to seek Congressional approval before taking military action. [4]
The British Parliament has been recalled for a debate and vote on war with Syria. [5] Wouldn’t it be strange if the British Parliament debated and voted, but not the U.S. Congress?
It’s not too late for Congressional debate. There’s no emergency that requires military action while Congress is out of session, and Congress can be recalled at any time, just like the British Parliament.
Add your voice and recruit others:
President Obama: Don’t Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval
President Obama: Don’t Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval
Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy comply with democracy and the rule of law.
Robert Naiman, Just Foreign Policy
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Dear Naresh -
It’s been more than a week and MP Sandeep Dikshit from East Delhi hasn’t taken a stand against the dilution of the RTI Act.
The RTI Act might get amended in the next few days.We don’t have much time to save this powerful Act that has helped citizens fight corruption. In 2 days, I will deliver all our signatures to Sandeep Dikshit and ask him to take a stand against the dilution of the RTI Act.
Help me reach 1000 signatures before I deliver my petition to Sandeep Dikshit. Forward my mail below to your friends and family and ask them to sign and share my petition.
Thank you for taking action,
Kanika via
—-Forwarded message—
Any moment now, our Government will dilute the most powerful weapon we have to fight corruption in India.
This week, the Parliament will be discussingchanges to be made to the Right to Information (RTI) Act. If these changes are made, political parties would be excluded from the RTI Act.
This is a huge setback for our nation. In order to remain free of corruption, all political parties should be transparent and answerable to the public. This won’t happen if the RTI Act is modified.
We need to ensure that influential Members of the Parliament take a stand against this amendment to the RTI Act.
Sandeep Dikshit is popular among the public in Delhi. I started this petition asking MP Sandeep Dikshit from East Delhi to stand against this dilution of the RTI Act.
If he opposes this dilution, the Government will realise that it’s not only the citizens but MPs like Sandeep Dikshit too who demand clean politics.
Last week, Jay Panda, MP from Kendrapara, Orissa took a stand against the amendment of the RTI Act. If thousands of us sign my petition, MP Sandeep would know that his voters and public want him to take a stand.
It’s Sandeep Dikshit’s duty as an MP to support clean, transparent politics. Sign my petition and share it with your friends and family.
Thanks in advance,
Kanika via
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H. E. Mr. Daniele Mancini
Ambassador of Italy
Angela Trezza
Director – Italian Embassy Cultural Centre
request the pleasure of your company
for the Piano Recital
DELHI 2013
accompanied by
Pt. Rajendra Prasanna (Flute)
Special Guest
Tuesday, 10th September 2013, 6:30 pm
Teen Murti Auditorium
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
Teen Murti Bhawan
New Delhi – 110011
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WHO highlights key health issues in South-East Asia
New Delhi, 29 August 2013: Health Ministers from the 11 countries of WHO’s South-East Asia Region will meet in New Delhi from 10 to 13 September to discuss key health issues facing the Region.
The Thirty-first Meeting of Health Ministers of the Region will be held on 10 September. The Health Minister’s Meeting is a forum for exchange of national experiences on the political, social and economic dimensions of health. The meeting is being hosted by Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
This will be followed by the Sixty-sixth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia. The Regional Committee is a statutory body comprising the Member countries,* which meets once a year to review progress and regional implications of the World Health Assembly decisions and to map the way forward.
Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, and Dr Samlee Plianbangchang, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia, will be present with their team of senior advisers at both meetings. Some of the key technical discussions to be taken up at the two sessions are:
High blood pressure and its health implications. The Meeting of Ministers of Health will discuss ways to address this leading risk factor for mortality in the Region. The ministers are expected to adopt the ‘New Delhi Declaration on High Blood Pressure’.
The Regional Committee Meeting will include discussion on key technical issues, including:
Universal health coverage (UHC). The goal of universal health coverage is to ensure that all people obtain the health services they need without suffering financial hardship when paying for them. Evidence indicates that two areas cause significant inequities and inefficiencies in health in the Region: first, direct out-of-pocket payments for access to care that can push households into poverty; and, second, a significant proportion of these payments go towards the purchase of medicines. Accordingly, the WHO Regional Strategy for Universal Health Coverage recommends that countries strengthen their health systems based on the primary health care approach – focusing on public health including prevention and promotion activities; using appropriate technologies; and based on domestic resources as far as possible.
Targets for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs are the leading cause of mortality globally and in the Region. Each year around 7.9 million people die due to NCDs accounting for 55% of all deaths in the Region. The Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly adopted a resolution endorsing the Global Plan of Action for Prevention and Control of NCDs for 2013 to 2020. Nine global voluntary targets were adopted to tackle the four key areas of concern – cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. In addition to adopting the nine global voluntary targets, Member States of the South-East Asia Region are expected to consider reduction of household air pollution as an additional target for the Region. The Regional Committee will also deliberate on the Regional Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases.
Measles elimination and rubella control. Measles remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the Region accounting for about half the estimated global measles deaths in 2011. The countries of the Region are expected to set a measles elimination target at the meeting. Most countries of the Region have already reduced measles deaths by 70% by stepping up routine immunization coverage enhanced by supplementary campaigns.
a) Thirty-first Meeting of Ministers of Health of WHO’s South-East Asia Region
b) Sixty-sixth Session of the Regional Committee for South-East Asia
When: 10 – 13 September 2013
(a) 10 September: Ashok Hotel, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India
(b) 11 – 13 September: WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, World Health House, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi, India
For more information, please visit our website:
*WHO’s South-East Asia Region comprises the following 11 Member States: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor-Leste.
Media contacts
Ms Vismita Gupta-Smith, Public Information and Advocacy Officer, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia. E-mail:, Mobile: +91 9871329861, Tel: +91 11 23370804, Extn: 26401.
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Nihaal Bids Adieu to Ek Veer Ki Ardaas Veera
Popular actor Kapil Nirmal aka Nihaal of Star Plus’ Ek Veer Ki Ardaas Veera is all set to bid farewell to the show as his track reaches a logical end.
In the coming episodes Ratan, Ranvvijay and Veera will come to terms with the truth about Nihal being the reason for Sampooran’s(SudhanshuPandey) death. Due to this tragic revelation, the kids and Ratan begin to detest his presence which hurts Nihaal’s sentiments. The truth will reduce everyone to tears forcing Nihal to leave Pritampura.
“I have had an amazing journey with Veera and would thank the makers for giving methe role of Nihaal. I have had an amazing time shooting and have learnt a lot through this journey. Lastly I owe everything to the audiences who have appreciated my work and bring me to where I am today.”says the Kapil.
Will Veera- Ranvi ever get over the past and accept the truth? Tune-in to watch EkVeer Ki ArdaasVeera every Monday to Friday, 10:30pm only on Star Plus.
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Let us celebrate the joy
Today, everything is up for auction. The psyche of making money is
killing everything that is intrinsic to humans. It is market and products
all around. People with their beauty and joy of creating and sharing
are disappearing fast. The ‘invisible hand’ is very efficiently putting a
price tag on everything, including human life. Life has become a costbenefit
analysis. This is today’s real calamity: a drought of compassion,
a famine of collective joy. And this too is man-made. Desires of
expression, fellowship and freedom are brutally and systematically
suppressed whereas alienating, divisive and individualistic tendencies
are schematically sponsored. It is not the political institutions alone that
are rotting with corruption, human dignity and identity are also at stake.
The integrity of humans as social and creative being is under serious
threat. The orchestrated onslaught of communal and consumerist
ideologies together make it impossible to recognize people as people.
Hence, IPTA has a much bigger challenge today, more difficult than it
was at the time of its formation 70 years ago. There are more cultural
activists today, but scattered. There are many performances engaging
with today’s ‘cultural calamity’, but mostly sporadic and inconsistent. All
these artists and performances need to come together. Only a symphony
of multiple voices of resistance and freedom can awaken the society
from the slumber of consumerist culture, from the blindness of hatred.
Let’s sing together. Let’s celebrate people’s art. Let’s reclaim joy.
Today, everything is up for auction. The psyche of making money is
killing everything that is intrinsic to humans. It is market and products
all around. People with their beauty and joy of creating and sharing
are disappearing fast. The ‘invisible hand’ is very efficiently putting a
price tag on everything, including human life. Life has become a costbenefit
analysis. This is today’s real calamity: a drought of compassion,
a famine of collective joy. And this too is man-made. Desires of
expression, fellowship and freedom are brutally and systematically
suppressed whereas alienating, divisive and individualistic tendencies
are schematically sponsored. It is not the political institutions alone that
are rotting with corruption, human dignity and identity are also at stake.
The integrity of humans as social and creative being is under serious
threat. The orchestrated onslaught of communal and consumerist
ideologies together make it impossible to recognize people as people.
Hence, IPTA has a much bigger challenge today, more difficult than it
was at the time of its formation 70 years ago. There are more cultural
activists today, but scattered. There are many performances engaging
with today’s ‘cultural calamity’, but mostly sporadic and inconsistent. All
these artists and performances need to come together. Only a symphony
of multiple voices of resistance and freedom can awaken the society
from the slumber of consumerist culture, from the blindness of hatred.
Let’s sing together. Let’s celebrate people’s art. Let’s reclaim joy.
Invitation-cum-program of the Conference. Please forward it to others. Hope to see you all at the inauguration session and throughout the program.
Please note that the time and Venue of Inaugural session has changed from previous announcement. It will now be at 6:30pm @ KC Open Air Theatre, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 31 August 2013.
Manish Shrivastava
IPTA, Delhi State Committee.
P.S. We are still short of funds to the scale of about Rs. 40,000. Any contribution is welcome.
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IndiaⳠFirst Channel To Launch Simultaneously on Mobile and TV
Expanding its web of reach to every television household in the country, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEE), IndiaⳠleading television, media & entertainment conglomerate, launches ἢ>Zee Anmol⼯b>, a free-to-air general entertainment channel (GEC) on 1st September. ᚥe Anmol⠷ill be the first channel in the Indian television space to be simultaneously launched on mobile and television platforms. Popular stars Kratika Sengar, Sayantani Ghosh, Binny Sharma and Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 winner Jasraj Joshi alongside ZEEⳠofficial spokespersons are in the city today to announce the launch of the new channel.
Positioned as ἢ>Dil Choo Jaaye⼯b>, ᚼ/span>ee Anmol⠩s a channel that believes in touching peopleⳠhearts through real, genuine emotions that will be depicted through some of the best shows that Indian Television has ever seen. ᚥe Anmol⠳tands for the most invaluable things in life Love, family, memories!
On the occasion of the channelⳠlaunch, Bharat Kumar Ranga, Chief Creative & Content Officer (CCCO), ZEEL, said, 㚅E has built a legacy of entertainment and emerged as the strongest brand on television over the last 20 years only through closely listening to the voice of our viewers it is only through understanding them that we have been able to bring ZEE to where it stands today. We have easily the richest library of content in the country and our shows are products of peopleⳠlove. Our insighting mechanism, which cuts across the length and breadth of the country, strongly indicates that the audiences today are craving for some of their all-time favourite shows from ZeeⳠlibrary and ᚥe Anmol⠩s an attempt to bring these popular shows back in to their lives!䊼o:p>
On the occasion of the channelⳠlaunch, Bharat Kumar Ranga, Chief Creative & Content Officer (CCCO), ZEEL, said, 㚅E has built a legacy of entertainment and emerged as the strongest brand on television over the last 20 years only through closely listening to the voice of our viewers it is only through understanding them that we have been able to bring ZEE to where it stands today. We have easily the richest library of content in the country and our shows are products of peopleⳠlove. Our insighting mechanism, which cuts across the length and breadth of the country, strongly indicates that the audiences today are craving for some of their all-time favourite shows from ZeeⳠlibrary and ᚥe Anmol⠩s an attempt to bring these popular shows back in to their lives!䊼o:p>
He adds, ぴ the same time, the television viewing universe has expanded by leaps and bounds over the last few years. So, the content of Zee Anmol will be first-time consumption for a vast majority of viewers across smaller towns where C & S penetration is still picking up. Our shows will reach out to countless fresh viewers across every television household in the country and immensely expand the reach of the network. So, the launch of ᚥe Anmol⠩s an exciting, new beginning for us!䊼o:p>
Taking the route of ᅮtertainment along with Value⼯b>, the channel will interact with its viewers through interesting on-air contests that ask learning- based questions centered around its shows. Interesting to note is the unique gratification for these contests that will have the winnerⳠsnapshots featured on the channel along with their family details, thereby giving viewers a chance to make their parents proud!
Already available across major MSOⳬ cable operators and key DTH platforms such as DD Direct and Dish TV, ᚥe Anmol⠷ill showcase some of the choicest, hand-picked content in the history of Indian television including the most unforgettable shows from Zee TVⳠrepository. It will also feature some of the current hot favorite fiction and non-fiction properties of Zee TV as well as entertaining movies and kids⠣ontent. The programming line-up of ᚥe Anmol⠩n its launch phase includes shows like ᐡvitra Rishta⬠შoti Bahu⬠ᓡat Phere⬠Ꭱagin⬠፡ayka⬠ዡsamh Se⬠ᓩndoor⬠ከansi ki Rani⬠ቮdiaⳠBest Dramebaaz⬠ᓨabaash India⠡nd ᄡnce India Dance⊼/span>amongst others.
Speaking of the channelⳠsimultaneous launch on mobile and television, Akash Chawla, Marketing Head, National Channels, ZEEL said, 㼯span>With the mobile internet penetration in India reaching almost 100 million, a simultaneous mobile launch of ᚥe Anmol⠷ill significantly aid in increasing the reach of the brand.䠈e adds, 㼳pan style=”color:#222222″>Viewers, even with 2G connections and non-smart phones, will be able to keep up with the channel through its WAP site The idea is to present viewers with ᣯnvenience of consumption⮠We will use repurposed content such as concise 2-3 minute webisodes of our shows, mood-based videos, most memorable dialogues of our showⳠartistes to facilitate convenient, on-the-go, 㳮acking䠣onsumption of the channel.伯:p>
The marketing campaign for ᚥe Anmol⠷ill be audio-visual intensive with a slew of heart-warming promos of the channel that will hit the air, capturing how it stands for the most relatable situations at home and lively exchanges with friends and family that bring a smile to your face. ChildrenⳠinterest in the channelⳠshows will be piqued through extensive school contact programmes. Outdoors and transit media branding in select markets will optimize the buzz.
Speaking of the shows coming up on ᚥe Anmol⬼span style=”font-size:11.5pt;color:#222222;background:white”> Ajay Bhalwankar, Head-Content, Hindi GECs, ZEEL, said, 㠉t is immensely gratifying to know that some of the best shows of ZEE that people have followed religiously over the years, will now reach out to every television household of the country. Countless viewers who constantly write into us demanding that we bring back these iconic shows will rejoice at the proposition of Zee Anmol. The launch of this FTA channel opens up new horizons of reach for ZEE. 伢>
Tune in to ᚥe Anmol⠦or entertainment that is bound to touch your hearts, starting 1st September!
Canon India announced the appointment of Mr. Andrew Koh as Senior Director of the brand’s Imaging Communication Products (ICP) business effective August 2013.
Mr. Koh is based in New Delhi and operates out of Canon India’s headquarters located in the National Capital Region (NCR). In his new role as the Senior Director of the ICP business in India, Mr. Koh would be responsible to steer Canon’s positioning as leaders in Digital photography & help grow the pie for Digital SLR category. The recent changes in the camera industry such as increasing need for hi-end compact cameras, growing sales of high functionality compact cameras and strong consumer interest in D-SLR & lenses are some crucial factors for the company to develop photography oriented applications and Andrew’s extensive international experience will be huge value add.
‘RCom, Reliance Jio to Step Up Collaboration’
Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani on Tuesday said in the months to come, his telecom venture, Reliance Communications (RCom), would collaborate with Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio even more.
Both companies have already signed two agreements to lease RCom’s intra-city cable network and telecom towers to Reliance Jio. “The deals would earn RCom Rs 14,000 crore through the lifetime,” Anil Ambani said to queries from shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) here.
Reliance Jio is expected to launch fourth-generation (4G) services this year. The company is Reliance Industries chief Mukesh Ambani’s comeback vehicle into the telecom business and the only company to have pan-India licence for 4G services. After Reliance Industries had split in 2005, Anil had received the telecom business. RCom has already commenced deliveries of fibres and towers to Reliance Jio and it is expected the deliveries would be completed this financial year.
At the AGM, Anil Ambani didn’t answer queries on the company’s debt burden. He said RCom was in discussions with partners for possible sale of its subsidiary, Reliance Globalcom. None of the shareholders asked any question on the Central Bureau of Investigation’s recent investigation of Ambani in the 2G telecom spectrum scam.
“In the coming quarters, the telecom sector in general and RCom in particular, will perform better than other sectors,” he said. RCom shareholders expressed satisfaction at the end of the competitive phase in the sector. Ambani forecast in the next few years, the sector would have four-five large national operators, as consolidation set in.
On the depreciating rupee, Ambani said this was affecting all businesses. He said many currencies across the world were depreciating and India wasn’t insulated from global events. “Companies and countries have to figure how to weather the storm,” he said, adding the company’s forex debt servicing would be covered by its foreign subsidiary, Reliance Globalcom’s forex earnings.
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