Thursday, October 17, 2013

India, Brazil to work on internet regulations

India, Brazil to devise internet regulationsUpdated on : 16-10-2013 12:42 PM
Brazil and India will work together to devise internet regulations in order to protect online privacy from snooping by other countries.

The partnership was announced in Brazilian capital Brasilia on Tuesday, after a meeting between foreign ministers of Brazil and India, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo and Salman Khurshid. 

“This is a matter of great concern to all democracies,” Khurshid said. 

“There are several efforts to implement a platform to strengthen global security. But that platform should avoid any sort of restrictions, because the democratic system is very valuable,” he added. 

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff condemned mass global surveillance as practiced by the US and its intelligence partners, during a speech in September at the UN General Assembly. 

Rousseff called for multilateral internet governance that respects the principles of neutrality. Brazil has been aggressively targeted by US spying agencies, according to recent revelations based on documents leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. 

While the US insists it intercepts digital communications to prevent terrorist attacks, Brazilian targets, such as the Mines and Energy Ministry and state oil giant Petrobras, indicate the US is also driven by economic motives. 

Brazil and India have agreed to share information of internet security strategies. 

India has one of the world’s most advanced information technology sectors. Brazilian technicians will visit India to learn more about Indian achievements in the field. 

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