Monday, October 14, 2013

National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP)

In the 12th Five Year Plan period, the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) aims to provide every rural person with adequate safe water for drinking, cooking and other basic domestic needs on a sustainable basis. Under the programme, special emphasis has been given on piped water supply in rural habitations. States are being asked to plan for coverage of habitations with piped water supply through stand posts or household connections. This shall reduce the drudgery and time taken in the collection of water and also facilitate in tackling the problem of drinking water quality in the habitations affected with water issues. Further, to accelerate the setting up piped water supply systems in rural areas in states where such coverage is low, a project has been proposed with World Bank in order to support parts of AssamBihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh which focuses on setting up piped water supply systems.

In order to cover uncovered, slipped- back, partially covered habitations and quality affected habitations, financial and technical assistance has been provided by the Government of India to states under the NRDWP. In 2013-14, Rs. 11000 crore has been allocated under the NRDWP. The State Governments are vested with powers to plan, approve and implement drinking water supply schemes for achieving the targets. The State Governments, in consultation with the Central Ministry, prepare Annual Action Plans (AAP) each year, to implement rural water supply schemes to cover partially covered and quality affected habitations and for other activities.
Up to 15% of funds allocated to states under NRDWP can be utilised for Operation & Maintenance (O&M) methods. The state can utilise 10% of their allocation to ensure the sustainability of drinking water sources. While 5% of national allocation is earmarked for allocation to states with chemical contamination affected habitations and areas reporting Japanese Encephalitis and Acute Encephalitis cases (JE/AES). Further, 67% of funds allocated to states can be utilised for coverage of water quality affected habitations. A separate water quality monitoring & surveillance component with 3% of NRDWP allocation has been created to strengthen water quality testing practices in states. In order to incentivise states to involve the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) in the planning, operation and management for drinking water supply schemes, a Management Devolution Index has been formulated to measure the extent of devolution of powers made by states to the PRIs with respect to funds, functions and functionaries in regard to drinking water supply. 10% of funds under NRDWP are kept for allocation to states on the basis of their MDI scores. A robust web-based monitoring mechanism has also being set up at the central level to monitor the implementation of water supply schemes under the NRDWP in the states. 

Under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), various mechanisms have been put in place to monitor the activities at different levels. The State Governments are required to prepare and discuss with the Central Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, an Annual Action Plan to implement various components and activities of the NRDWP. The information provided by the states are monitored regularly, and states which are lagging behind in the implementation of the programme, both in terms of physical achievements and financial expenditure, are advised to take appropriate corrective measures. In addition, meetings of the secretaries in charge of rural water supply, regional review meetings, video-conferences, etc. are conducted through which implementation of NRDWP is monitored. Assessment of achievements is done through periodic evaluations of the programme by the Ministry and the Planning Commission. 

The deficiencies which have been noticed in the implementation of NRDWP in some states include the non-achievement of annual targets of coverage of rural habitations, especially quality affected habitations, and the inadequate utilization of central funds in time resulting in high unspent balances. However, the reasons for some states being unable to spend the available funds under NRDWP fully and in time include delays in procurement processes, taking up multi-village schemes that require 2-3 years for completion thus delaying expenditure, delays in preparatory activities, long time taken for completion of legal formalities including obtaining various clearances, delayed release of funds to implementing authorities etc.

Warm regards,

Dr. S P Sharma
Chief Economist

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