Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Chanchal survived an acid attack and wants to live a normal life. Her attackers won’t let her. Ask the Inspector General to cancel their bail.

Trigger Warning: Graphic ContentDear Naresh,
“We just used acid, next time will be worse”
They poured acid on Chanchal’s face while she slept, scarring her for life. And now her attackers are out on bail and threatening Chanchal again.  I need your help in stopping this.
I am Chanchal’s friend and now they have threatened me too. They want her to stop fighting for justice. Sign my petition asking the authorities to cancel the bail given to her attackers and send them back to jail.
Throwing acid is a non-bailable offence and yet her attackers roam freely in Chanchal’s neighbourhood in Bihar. They taunt her family and even harass them by throwing stones at their house.
Chanchal hasn’t let her scars cripple her and wants to live a full life. She goes alone to college because she wants to complete her education and support her family. But Chanchal is not safe.
Naresh, you can help stop these threats and violent behaviourSign my petition to get the Inspector General (IG) to put them back in jail.
Chanchal and I will be delivering the petition to the IG next week and we want to show him there is huge public support for Chanchal from across the country.
Chanchal wants to fight and to live a normal life. Together we can stop this bullying and make Chanchal feel supported and safeSign my petition.
Thank you for taking action,
Varsha Jawalgekar

CPR is pleased to invite you to a talk on
Debt Bondage and the Tricks of Capital
Isabelle Guérin
Monday, 28 September 2015, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research
Construction labour in Tamil Nadu, Wikipedia Commons,  Image Source
Migrant labourers, free from rural bondage, are now bonded to other sources of debt, contracted from the agro-industry or construction sectors. The flows of migration in the brick-making and sugar cane sectors in Tamil Nadu, where bondage coexists with many public welfare schemes, illustrate the persistence and renewal of this phenomenon. The welfare schemes play the role of a safety net, but also contribute to low wages, and impunity on the part of employers. Alliances between capital and the state, through the politicisation of employers, are instrumental in the continuation of all forms of labour exploitation. When workers resist, employers tighten working conditions and start recruiting migrants from North India. And even if these forms of labour management obey a capitalist logic, they are inseparable from the caste hierarchy.Isabelle Guérin is a Senior Research Fellow with the Institute for Research and Development (IRD) and French Institute of Pondicherry. Isabelle has been researching aspects of indebtedness and microcredit among rural communities in Tamil Nadu. She has recently co-edited a book on gender and development studies titled ‘Under Development: Gender’ and is also co-editing a forthcoming volume titled ‘The Crisis of Microcredit’.

Globe with Earthquake Location


Preliminary Earthquake Report
  • 21 Sep 2015 17:39:58 UTC
  • 21 Sep 2015 14:39:59 near epicenter
  • 21 Sep 2015 21:39:58 standard time in your timezone
Location31.742S 71.635W
Depth24 km
  • 46 km (28 mi) WSW of Illapel, Chile
  • 62 km (38 mi) W of Salamanca, Chile
  • 87 km (53 mi) NNW of La Ligua, Chile
  • 121 km (75 mi) NNW of Hacienda La Calera, Chile
  • 211 km (130 mi) NNW of Santiago, Chile

Contemporary Italian/  Contemporaneo Italiano
Tutti i mercoledì / Every Wednesday @ 19.00
Mercoledi/ Wednesday, 30 Settembre/ 30th September @19.00

Drama/ Comedy/ 2013/104 mins.
Director: Gianni Amelio
Cast: Antonio Albanese, Livia Rossi, Gabriele Rendina, Alfonso Santagata, Sandra Ceccarelli
In Italian, with subtitles in English

DELHI: L'INTREPIDO - Drammatico / Commedia - 2013
Set in modern day Milan, INTREPIDO: A LONELY HERO is a Chaplinesque odyssey through the world of work – every type of work, but primarily unskilled manual labour – as seen through the eyes of a kind, middle-aged man who takes on every conceivable temporary job. Beautifully wrought by master Italian director Gianni Amelio, the film is a portrait of the highs and lows of modern life. At its heart is a sympathetic man who, despite loneliness and personal family problems, especially around his gifted but troubled musician son, remains defiantly optimistic even when terrible things happen to him and the people he meets. With echoes of films such as Being There and Zelig, INTREPIDO is gently satirical and acutely observed while retaining the atmosphere of a classic fable. Immaginiamo che esista un nuovo mestiere e che si chiami “rimpiazzo”. Immaginiamo che un uomo senza lavoro lo pratichi ogni giorno, questo mestiere. E dunque che lavori davvero oltre misura e che sia un uomo a suo modo felice. Lui non fa altro che prendere, anche solo per qualche ora, il posto di chi si assenta, per ragioni più o meno serie, dalla propria occupazione ufficiale. Si accontenta di poco, il nostro eroe, ma i soldi non sono tutto nella vita: c’è il bisogno di tenersi in forma, di non lasciarsi andare in un momento, come si dice, di crisi buia. Immaginiamo poi che esista un ragazzo di vent’anni, suo figlio, che suona il sax come un dio e dunque è fortunato perché fa l’artista. E immaginiamo Lucia, inquieta e guardinga, che nasconde un segreto dietro la sua voglia di farsi avanti nella vita. Ce la faranno ad arrivare sani e salvi alla prossima puntata.
Venue: Tessitori Hall, Italian Cultural Institute, New Delhi
Entry Free: For security reasons please show your valid Photo Identity Card.
Italian Embassy Cultural Centre
50- E, Chandragupta Marg (Entry from Nyaya Marg)
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110 021
Phone: 0091-11-26871901/03/04
Email: iicnewdelhi@esteri.it       

Book Launch:
Why India is not a Great Power (Yet) 
Bharat Karnad
Thursday, 24 September 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Gulmohar Hall, Habitat World, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road
Pictured:From the book cover of ‘‘Why India is Not a Great Power (Yet)’
Since the economic liberalisation of the early 1990s, India has been, on several occasions and at different forums, feted as a great power. This subject has been discussed in numerous books, but mostly in terms of rapid economic growth and immense potential in the emerging market. There is also a vast collection of literature on India’s ‘soft power’—culture, tourism, frugal engineering, and knowledge economy. However, there has been no serious exploration of the alternative path India can take to achieving great power status—a combination of hard power, geostrategics, and realpolitik.Why India is Not a Great Power (Yet)published by Oxford University Press, delves exclusively into these hard power aspects of India’s rise and the problems associated with them. Bharat Karnad offers an incisive analysis of the deficits in the country’s military capabilities and in the ‘software’ related to hard power—absence of political vision and will, insensitivity to strategic geography, and unimaginative foreign and military policies—and arrives at powerful arguments on why these shortfalls have prevented the country from achieving the great power status.
The book will be released by General VK Singh (Retd), Minister of State for External Affairs. It will be followed by a panel discussion, which will include:
  • General VK Singh (Retd),
  • Shivshankar Menon, former National Security Advisor (NSA),
  • Rear Admiral Raja Menon (Retd), former head of the Net Assessment & Simulation Centre at the National Security Council and ex-Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Ops), and,
  • Lt Gen SL Narsimhan, Commandant, Army War College, Mhow
We request all to be present by 6:30 p.m. for tea and registrations.RSVP: Anuradha Mukherjee – anuradha.mukherjee@oup.com, 011-43600144

INFO-PR cordially invites you to attend the cover of
Press conference & to share with you the uniqueness of the‘latest Collection’
To be Launched by :
Yami Gautam

Time   : 2:30 p.m
Date    : 23rd September (Wednesday)
Venue : DLF Pomenade, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
You are requested to send correspondents/photographers/camera crew for the new collection launch.

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