Friday, April 8, 2016

Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Cordially invites you and your colleagues to the

Annual TRIPP Lecture


Mr. Tony Bliss

Traffic Safety: The Top Ten Issues

5:30 pm on Wednesday 13th April 2016 at 
Lecture Hall Complex (room LH-121)
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Penalists: Prof. Shrikant Gupta and Mr. Arun Mohan

About the Speaker
Tony Bliss is the Global Road Safety Advisor at the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) and a Director of Road Safety Management Limited. He is also Principal Advisor to the Commission for Global Road Safety and a Member of the Lancet Group on Transport, Health and Development.
Tony is an internationally recognized road safety specialist. Current activities include the design and preparation of a large-scale, multi-sectoral World Bank road safety project in Uttar Pradesh, India, the ongoing design and facilitation of MUARC’s Road Safety Management Leadership Program, now in its third successful year, and the provision of mentoring and advisory services to support the delivery of New Zealand’s Safer Journeys road safety strategy to 2020.
In his previous position as Lead Road Safety Specialist at the World Bank Tony directed the development, promotion and implementation of multi-sectoral strategies designed to improve road safety in low and middle-income countries throughout East Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, working with World Bank sector teams and global, regional and country partners
From the dawn of motorisation, traffic safety has been the goal of governments responsible for transportation policy and urban development. The recent inclusion of traffic safety in the Sustainable Development Goals has elevated its global significance and revitalized actions being taken to improve road network performance, especially in low and middle-income countries and major cities around the world. Metaphorically, traffic safety dialogue resembles a Rorschach test, resulting in different meanings for different actors, with reality often being side-stepped in the process. It is becoming increasingly important to take stock of what is known and the challenges to be faced.  The 8th Annual TRIPP Lecture will highlight traffic safety issues that must be understood and addressed, if significant safety performance gains are to be achieved. It will illustrate the multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary nature of governance systems and programs designed to achieve sustainable success, and underscore the level of government commitment required to ensure this.

Mahesh Gaur
Project Officer
91-11-26596361; (F): 26858703

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