All India Gaming Federation, an apex body launched in the capital, to address the needs of the Gaming Sector
New Delhi, August 4th 2016; India, with 1.3 billion people and two-thirds below the age of 35, the world’s largest youth population, is poised to become one of the world’s leading markets. Economic growth has resulted in a society that is embracing digital content and entertainment like never before, enabled by the explosive growth of smart phones and affordable wireless internet.
In view of this transformation in the Gaming industry, All India Gaming Federation (AIGF), a not-for-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and headquartered in Mumbai, an apex body came into existence, to focus on policy advocacy, research and forum for discussion amongst various stakeholders associated with the Gaming industry.
The AIGF aims at dealing with issues surrounding the Gaming industry, and will comprise of Game Operators, Players, , Social activists, lawyers, economists, policy analysts, industry experts, Legal & Advisory Firms, Technology Companies , Gaming Designers, Payment Gateway Vendors, Gaming Bloggers and Responsible Gaming Companies.
There is a fundamental difference between the Games of Skill and Games of Chance. The Supreme Court in 1967 in State of Andhra Pradesh, vs R Satyanarayana, ruled that the game of rummy is a game involving substantial degree of skill. In 1996, the Supreme Court in K R Lakshmanan vs State of Tamil Nadu ruled that betting on horse-races is a game of mere skill. In subsequent cases this position has been ratified. Similarly the game of poker has also been recognised as a game of skill by courts in Karnataka and Calcutta and legislations in West Bengal and more recently in Nagaland. Not many people are aware that games like poker, rummy and fantasy cricket are already permitted legally even if there are stakes or money involved.
AIGF was officially launched in New Delhi to emphasize on the positive aspects of the Gaming Industry in India, which was brought to light through a Panel discussion amongst eminent personalities from various fields. The Panellists include Mr. KTS Tulsi (Senior Advocate Supreme Court & Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha), Mr. Kirti Azad (Former Cricketer & Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha), Mr. Ranjit Sinha (Former CBI Director) and Ms.Rosalind Wade (Managing Director, Asia Gaming Brief, Hong Kong), who will participate via video conferencing. The objective of the event was to create a positive imagery, as well as make all stakeholders and the general public aware about the industry
According to a 2010 KPMG report, gambling and betting in India is worth over US$60 billion, most of which is largely gray. A recent report of the International Centre for Sports Security (ICSS) estimates the betting market in India to be worth over US$130 billion.
FICCI estimates that the revenue potential by legalising betting and Gaming could be around Rs. 20,000 crores. Since gambling is a victim less crime and the 1867 law is not seriously enforced, it would be best to legalise the activity to relieve India’s fiscal deficit. The funds generated from this activity could be used to fund social and infrastructure schemes and promote sporting activities.
FICCI estimates that the revenue potential by legalising betting and Gaming could be around Rs. 20,000 crores. Since gambling is a victim less crime and the 1867 law is not seriously enforced, it would be best to legalise the activity to relieve India’s fiscal deficit. The funds generated from this activity could be used to fund social and infrastructure schemes and promote sporting activities.
To support these findings, Mr. Roland Landers (CEO, AIGF) projected on the objectives of the AIGF which includes finding solutions to issues faced by the industry, allowance of FDI and technology collaboration, promote Responsible Gaming, ensure Player Protection and work towards opening up the Gaming Industry, which will eventually contribute to the economy of the country. He was quoted saying, “The Gaming Industry has tremendous potential for bringing revenues for the ex-chequer provided it is regulated fairly and taxed at a reasonable rate.”
If betting is legalised, it will be possible to monitor the betting patterns in a given sport. Therefore the menace of fixing in sport can be curtailed to some extent by identifying suspicious betting patterns by punters and sharing it with sports federations or law enforcement agencies. Globally, there are agencies to monitor betting patterns which assist organisations like FIFA in identifying particular bets which may be threat to the integrity of sports.
Legalising betting will also allow reputed Gaming companies to enter the market and curb the activities of criminal elements. Additionally, it will dry up funds of the underworld, which has used earnings from betting to fund terrorist organisations.
About AIGF:
The AIGF – All India Gaming Federation, is a not-for-profit entity. The AIGF as an apex body will focus on policy advocacy, research and forum for discussion amongst various stakeholders associated with the Gaming industry. It’s Founding members include Essel Group, Sugal & Damani and Deltin Group.
Led by Mr. Roland Landers, CEO (AIGF), the AIGF will function with an Executive Committee, Sub-Committees and an Advisory Panel. The All India Gaming Federation (AIGF) would perform the following functions.
- Research and analyse current trends in the Indian Gaming industry and track regulatory, policy and commercial updates.
- Commission and produce reports, knowledge papers and studies on the need to reform Gaming legislations, proposed regulatory changes, socio-economic benefits of allowing Gaming and lotteries, etc.
- Analyse International trends of the Gaming, betting and lottery industry.
- Actively engage with governmental agencies and organisations, political parties, civil society groups, jurists, economists and journalists.
- Organise events to create awareness about the issues faced by the Gaming industry and benefits of legalising gambling and lotteries including but not limited to seminars, conferences, discussions, press briefings, etc.
- Advocate a policy framework to regulate all forms of Gaming and gambling activities.
- Urge for regulation of games of skill, games involving substantial degree of skill and mixed games of skill and chance like poker, rummy, fantasy sports, videogames, etc., either under single umbrella legislation or under a separate legislation.
- Suggest measures to curb problems of gambling addiction, gambling by minors and other social problems associated with gambling.
- Liaise with government authorities to urge for a reasonable and just rate of taxation to ensure survival of the industry and minimise chances of tax evasion, and have clarity on State and Central taxes for Players and operators.
- Develop industry best practices and a self-regulatory mechanism as well as set standards or norms of fair-play and transparency that ought to be followed by all companies engaged in the Gaming business
- Undertake measures to initiate litigation in courts of law, if required to protect the interests of the Gaming industry and society at large.
- Will aim at implementing a framework for Player Protection/Responsible Gaming.
For further information, please get in touch with;
Aradhaya Dubey || || 9711800750 || Kaizzen Communications
Rajya Sabha unanimously passes Constitution Amendment Bill to facilitate rollout of GST
Rajya Sabha has overwhelmingly passed the 122nd Constitution Amendment Bill, 2014 to facilitate rollout of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the country.The GST Bill is aimed at bringing uniform tax regime in the country by subsuming state levies. Under it, a single rate of GST will replace Central Excise, State VAT, entertainment, entry and luxury taxes to ensure seamless transfer of goods and services. Now, the Bill will again go to the Lok Sabha and then ratified by at least 50 per cent of the states Legislative Assemblies, to become a law.
Replying to over six hour long debate on the Bill, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the government will try for the most reasonable rate for GST.
He dismissed the apprehension of members that Centre will have veto power in the proposed GST Council saying it would have only one third weightage in it.
On Congress demand to bring proposed Central GST and Integrated GST bill as a financial bill, and not as a money bill, the Minister assured the House that he will comply with the Constitution and will discuss the opposition members before bringing the Bills.
Government will announce GST implementation roadmap today. Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia said, it is only end of a beginning and the real work starts now. He said Center wants to implement it as soon as possible.
Launch of AIGF
Have newly created Indian states promoted inclusive development?
CPR and ESID are pleased to invite you to a workshop on Have newly created Indian states promoted inclusive development? A comparative political settlement analysis of Jharkhand and ChhattisgarhWednesday, 10 August 2016, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (followed by lunch) |
Presentations: Vasudha Chhotray, Vidushi Bahuguna and Anindita Adhikari |
Conference Hall II, India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg |
Sources: Image 1, Image 2 by Accountability Initiative |
This workshop will discuss the findings from a two year long project on ‘Newly created states and Inclusive Development: The subnational political settlements of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh’. The research study is part of the Effective States Inclusive Development (ESID) research cluster at the University of Manchester and was conducted in partnership with Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi and the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi.Given the changing territorial map of India and the increased focus on smaller states to promote accountable governance, superior political representation and improved administrative and fiscal efficiency, this research aims to answer an increasingly urgent question: have newly created Indian states, in fact, promoted inclusive development? It studies Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, which gained statehood concurrently in November 2000, and are comparable for their high incidences of poverty, poor tribal populations, and vast reserves of mineral wealth.
In order to critically examine the politics of inclusive development in the two states, the research study characterizes the ‘sub-national political settlement’ in each. It then seeks to understand how the political settlement of each state explains the trajectories of development in two domains: mining and the provision of food subsidies through the Public Distribution System. By studying extraction with welfare in an interrelated manner, the study offers insights into the nature and extent of inclusive development that is possible within each political settlement.
The presentations will be followed by the following panel discussions:
Panel 1: New states and inclusive development: What can a sub-national political settlement approach tells us?
Panel 2: The sub-national political settlement and inclusive development: Insights from welfare and extraction
Research team:
This workshop will be followed by lunch. Please rsvp to
The Asian news Daily
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Swaraj Abhiyan
प्रिय Naresh Kumar Sagar,
स्वराज अभियान की ओर से शुभेच्छा !
स्वराज अभियान के पहले राष्ट्रीय प्रतिनिधि अधिवेशन में आज राजनैतिक दल निर्माण की घोषणा हुई और देश में वैकल्पिक राजनीति की स्थापना के लिए आवाज़ बुलंद की गयी। कल राष्ट्रीय प्रतिनिधियों के सम्मेलन में ‘राजनीतिक दल निर्माण के प्रस्ताव’ पर गहन विचार-विमर्श हुआ, प्रतिनिधियों के बीच सामूहिक चर्चा हुई, जिसके बाद प्रस्ताव पर सदस्यों द्वारा विधिवत वोटिंग हुई।
प्रतिनिधि सम्मलेन में आज मीडिया की उपस्थिति में वोटिंग परिणाम की घोषणा हुई जिसमें 92.5% बहुमत ने राजनीतिक प्रस्ताव के समर्थन में मुहर लगाई। राष्ट्रीय प्रतिनिधियों द्वारा कुल 433 वोट पड़े जिसमें 405 लोग प्रस्ताव से सहमत, 26 असहमत और 2 वोट अमान्य पाए गए। राष्ट्रीय प्रतिनिधियों की सहमति के बाद स्वराज अभियान ने राजनीति की राह पर आगे बढ़ने का निर्णय लिया।
स्वराज अभियान ने संकल्प लिया है कि 2 अक्टूबर तक राजनीतिक दल का निर्माण करेंगे। वैकल्पिक राजनीति के इस प्रारूप को मूर्त रूप देने के लिए स्वराज अभियान ने एक 6 सदस्यीय टीम का गठन किया।
स्वराज अभियान के गठन के समय तीन मुख्य मापदंड तय किए गए थे। एक, लोकतांत्रिक ढंग से संगठन का निर्माण। दूसरा, देश के सम्मुख गंभीर मुद्दों पर जन आंदोलन चलाना। और तीसरा, पारदर्शिता एवं जवाबदेही को सुनिश्चित करना।
स्वराज अभियान शुरू से आंतरिक लोकतंत्र, पारदर्शिता और जवाबदेही के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध रहा है। आंतरिक लोकतंत्र सुनिश्चित करने के लिए 100 से ज्यादा जिलों में एवं कम से कम 6 राज्यों में संगठनात्मक चुनाव की प्रक्रिया पूरी करनी थी। अब तक 114 जिलों एवं 7 राज्यों में नीचे से ऊपर की ओर आंतरिक चुनाव के जरिए संगठन निर्माण की प्रक्रिया पूरी कर ली गई है।
प्रो. आनंद कुमार को स्वराज अभियान का राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष चुना गया। संगठन के उपाध्यक्ष के तौर पर तमिल नाडु से क्रिस्टिना सामी, बंगाल से अविक साहा, आंध्र प्रदेश से पुरुषोत्तम और दिल्ली से पी. एस. शारदा को चुना गया है। साथ ही फहीम खान को महासचिव, तथा गिरीश नंदगांवकर एवं राजीव ध्यानी स्वराज अभियान के नए सचिव चुने गए।
पारदर्शिता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए स्वराज अभियान ने स्वेच्छा से खुद को ‘सूचना के अधिकार’ के अंतर्गत रखा है और जन सूचना अधिकारी नियुक्त किया है। संगठन में जवाबदेही सुनिश्चित करने के लिए तीन सदस्यीय लोकपाल नियुक्त किया गया है। प्रतिनिधि सम्मलेन में प्रशांत भूषण ने स्वराज अभियान के लोकपाल के तौर पर कामिनी जयसवाल, सुमित चक्रवर्ती और नूर मोहम्मद का परिचय रखा। साथ ही, संगठन में शिकायत निवारण समितियां भी बनायी गयी हैं।
स्वराज अभियान ने अपने चार मुख्य कार्यक्रमों – जय किसान आंदोलन, एंटी करप्शन टीम (एक्ट), शिक्षा स्वराज अभियान और अमन समिति की रिपोर्ट भी पेश की। स्वराज अभियान के युवा और छात्रों के संगठन ‘यूथ फॉर स्वराज’ का परिचय कराया गया।
अधिवेशन को संबोधित करते हुए योगेन्द्र यादव ने कहा कि “स्वराज अभियान ने 2 अक्टूबर तक राजनीतिक पार्टी बनाने का संकल्प लिया है। हमारे लिए पार्टी बनाने का मतलब है कि इस देश में सच्चाई और ईमानदारी की ऊर्जा जहाँ कहीं भी है उसे जोड़ना। हम ईमान और सच्चाई की ऊर्जा को संगठित करके वैकल्पिक राजनीति की एक मिसाल पेश करेंगे।”
स्वराज संकल्प के प्रतीक के रूप में सर पर पीले रंग के पट्टे को धारण किया गया। पीला रंग ऊर्जा का प्रतीक है, नई आशा का प्रतीक है, सूरज का प्रतीक है, पवित्रता का प्रतीक है। इस प्रतीक को धारण कर और स्वराज के संकल्प को लेकर राष्ट्रीय प्रतिनिधि अधिवेशन का समापन हुआ।
स्वराज को साकार करने में आपके निरंतर समर्थन की जरूरत है | कृपया स्वैच्छिक योगदानदेकर हमें समर्थन | स्वैच्छिक योगदान देने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
Thanks & Regards,
Swaraj Abhiyan
A-189, Sec-43, Noida UP
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
छत्तीसगढ़ के जल विभाग में 1,473 अरब की गड़बड़ी, कैग ने जारी की रिपोर्ट नियंत्रक एवं महालेखा परीक्षक ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में छत्तीसगढ़ के जल संसाधन विभाग में 1,473 करोड़ रुपए की वित्तीय अनियमितताओं को खुलासा किया है. अपनी रिपोर्ट में अनियमितताओं को रेखांकित करते हुए कैग ने प्रदेश की सिंचाई व्यवस्था पर भी सवाल उठाए हैं. कैग ने ये सभी बातें मार्च 2014 को समाप्त वित्त वर्ष में राज्य के सामान्य, सामाजिक व आर्थिक (गैर सार्वजनिक) क्षेत्रों पर अपनी रिपोर्ट में लिखी है.प्रदेश के महालेखाक…
छत्तीसगढ़ के जल विभाग में 1,473 अरब की गड़बड़ी, कैग ने जारी की रिपोर्ट नियंत्रक एवं महालेखा परीक्षक ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में छत्तीसगढ़ के जल संसाधन विभाग में 1,473 करोड़ रुपए की वित्तीय अनियमितताओं को …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
छत्तीसगढ़ के जल विभाग में 1,473 अरब की गड़बड़ी, कैग ने जारी की रिपोर्ट नियंत्रक एवं महालेखा परीक्षक ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में छत्तीसगढ़ के जल संसाधन विभाग में 1,473 करोड़ रुपए की वित्तीय अनियमितताओं को खुलासा किया है. अपनी रिपोर्ट में अनियमितताओं को रेखांकित करते हुए कैग ने प्रदेश की सिंचाई व्यवस्था पर भी सवाल उठाए हैं. कैग ने ये सभी बातें मार्च 2014 को समाप्त वित्त वर्ष में राज्य के सामान्य, सामाजिक व आर्थिक (गैर सार्वजनिक) क्षेत्रों पर अपनी रिपोर्ट में लिखी है.प्रदेश के महालेखाक…
छत्तीसगढ़ के जल विभाग में 1,473 अरब की गड़बड़ी, कैग ने जारी की रिपोर्ट नियंत्रक एवं महालेखा परीक्षक ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में छत्तीसगढ़ के जल संसाधन विभाग में 1,473 करोड़ रुपए की वित्तीय अनियमितताओं को …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
If you have trouble viewing this email, read the online version Dear N.K, Do you know how to implement hybrid communication networks and help with technology integration? Can you help rail operators improve reliability, efficiency and capacity of networks to increase passenger numbers and meet the growth in urban populations? If your answer is yes, then over 1000 rail executives at RailTel 2016 want to hear from you. [ 133 more words. ]
If you have trouble viewing this email, read the online version Dear N.K, Do you know how to implement hybrid communication networks and help with technology integration? Can you help rail operator…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
If you have trouble viewing this email, read the online version Dear N.K, Do you know how to implement hybrid communication networks and help with technology integration? Can you help rail operators improve reliability, efficiency and capacity of networks to increase passenger numbers and meet the growth in urban populations? If your answer is yes, then over 1000 rail executives at RailTel 2016 want to hear from you. [ 133 more words. ]
If you have trouble viewing this email, read the online version Dear N.K, Do you know how to implement hybrid communication networks and help with technology integration? Can you help rail operator…
Dear N.K,
Do you know how to implement hybrid communication networks and help with technology integration? Can you help rail operators improve reliability, efficiency and capacity of networks to increase passenger numbers and meet the growth in urban populations?
If your answer is yes, then over 1000 rail executives at RailTel 2016 want to hear from you.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld 5m5 minutes ago Struggle to contain 20 wildfires across California as 13,000 people evacuated #RockyFire 0 RS adjourns for day & Opposition boycotts LS AUGUST 4, 2015 Aug 4PM Unity in opposition was visible when the suspension of twenty five Congress members from Lok Sabha brought together several opposition parties who boycotted the Lok Sabha. Congress, Trinamool Congress, JD(U), Muslim League and NCP boycotted the proceedings of Lok Sabha. [ 432 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld 5m5 minutes ago Struggle to contain 20 wildfires across California as 13,000 people evacuated #RockyFire 0 RS adjourns for day & Opposition boycotts LS AUGUST 4, 2015 Aug 4PM Unity in opposition was visible when the suspension of twenty five Congress members from Lok Sabha brought together several opposition parties who boycotted the Lok Sabha. Congress, Trinamool Congress, JD(U), Muslim League and NCP boycotted the proceedings of Lok Sabha. [ 432 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld 5m5 minutes ago Struggle to contain 20 wildfires across California as 13,000 people evacuated #RockyFire
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld 5m5 minutes ago Struggle to contain 20 wildfires across California as 13,000 people evacuated #RockyFire
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
RS adjourns for day & Opposition boycotts LS
Aug 4PM Unity in opposition was visible when the suspension of twenty five Congress members from Lok Sabha brought together several opposition…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
RS adjourns for day & Opposition boycotts LS
NARESH SAGAR Aug 4PM Unity in opposition was visible when the suspension of twenty five Congress members from Lok Sabha brought together several…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Rural Development Minister launches ‘SAMANVAY’ for Gram Panchayats
Aug 4, Rural Development Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh today launched SAMANVAY, a…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Rural Development Minister launches ‘SAMANVAY’ for Gram Panchayats
Aug 4, Rural Development Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh today launched SAMANVAY, a…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Yakub death penalty signals zero tolerance for terrorism
Yakub death penalty signals zero tolerance for terrorism ASHOK B SHARMA One thing apparent from the recent execution of one of the…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Yakub death penalty signals zero tolerance for terrorism
ASHOK B SHARMA One thing apparent from the recent execution of one of the masterminds of 1993 Mumbai serial blasts is that India intends to adopt…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep Drall will look to continue her winning run at the 13thleg of the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015 to be played at the picturesque Coimbatore Golf Club. The INR 5,00,000 event will see 11 professionals vying for the top honours, and will be played from 5th to 7thAugust. [ 1162 more words. ]
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep Drall will look to continue her winning run at the 13thleg of the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015 to be played at the picturesque Coimbatore Golf Club. The INR 5,00,000 event will see 11 professionals vying for the top honours, and will be played from 5th to 7thAugust. [ 1162 more words. ]
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep Drall will look to continue her winning run at the 13th leg of the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015 to be played at the picturesque Coimbatore Golf Club. The INR 5,00,000 event will see 11 professionals vying for the top honours, and will be played from 5th to 7th August. [ 294 more words. ]
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep Drall will look to continue her winning run at the 13th leg of the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015 to be played at the picturesque Coimbatore Golf Club. The INR 5,00,000 event will see 11 professionals vying for the top honours, and will be played from 5th to 7th August. [ 294 more words. ]
Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2015- Leg 13 Amandeep seeks an encore at Coimbatore Golf Club Coimbatore, 4th August 2015: Upbeat from her maiden professional title last month, rookie Amandeep …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library cordially invites you to a Public Lecture (in the ‘Cities in History’ series) at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 5 August, 2015 in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Building on ‘Heritage, History and Global Modernities in Urban India’ by Prof. Jyoti Hosagrahar, Columbia University, New York, USA and Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru.
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library cordially invites you to a Public Lecture (in the ‘Cities in History’ series) at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 5 August, 2015 in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Bui…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library cordially invites you to a Public Lecture (in the ‘Cities in History’ series) at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 5 August, 2015 in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Building on ‘Heritage, History and Global Modernities in Urban India’ by Prof. Jyoti Hosagrahar, Columbia University, New York, USA and Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru.
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library cordially invites you to a Public Lecture (in the ‘Cities in History’ series) at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 5 August, 2015 in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Bui…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Telangana to take leadership in cable and broadband transition through digital skilling with SCTE and ESSCI For Immediate Release Telangana, 3rd August, 2015: [ 774 more words. ]
Telangana to take leadership in cable and broadband transition through digital skilling with SCTE and ESSCI For Immediate Release Telangana, 3rd August, 2015: The Telangana Cable Association -SCTE …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Telangana to take leadership in cable and broadband transition through digital skilling with SCTE and ESSCI For Immediate Release Telangana, 3rd August, 2015: [ 774 more words. ]
Telangana to take leadership in cable and broadband transition through digital skilling with SCTE and ESSCI For Immediate Release Telangana, 3rd August, 2015: The Telangana Cable Association -SCTE …
SCTETM Highlights SCTE India Initiative and NewTraining Portfolio With CommunicAsia Debut
Telangana to take leadership in cable and broadband transition through digital skilling with SCTE and ESSCI
Telangana to take leadership in cable and broadband transition through digital skilling with SCTE and ESSCI
For Immediate Release
Telangana, 3rd August, 2015: The Telangana Cable Association -SCTE and ESSCI, supported by industry leaders like Arris (formerly Motorola) hosted an intellectual seminar at the Youth Hostel, Secunderabad on 29th July, 2015. The seminar was organized to promote…
Telangana, 3rd August, 2015: The Telangana Cable Association -SCTE and ESSCI, supported by industry leaders like Arris (formerly Motorola) hosted an intellectual seminar at the Youth Hostel, Secunderabad on 29th July, 2015. The seminar was organized to promote…
Founded in 1945, the SCTE (Society for Broadband Professionals) is a non-profit making organisation whose aim is to raise the standard of broadband…
The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
cordially invites you to a Public Lecture
(in the ‘Cities in History’ series)
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh — This week, our campaign starts telling Hillary’s story on TV in our first ads. I’m really proud of this — I hope you are, too. Check this one out early, and share it with others: Thanks, Robby Robby Mook Campaign Manager Hillary for America P.S. Putting spots like this on TV costs real money — donate today, and help make sure more voters in Iowa and New Hampshire learn about Hillary and what she stands for.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh — This week, our campaign starts telling Hillary’s story on TV in our first ads. I’m really proud of this — I hope you are, too. Check this one out early, and share it with others: Thanks, Robby Robby Mook Campaign Manager Hillary for America P.S. Putting spots like this on TV costs real money — donate today, and help make sure more voters in Iowa and New Hampshire learn about Hillary and what she stands for.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh — This week, our campaign starts telling Hillary’s story on TV in our first ads. I’m really proud of this — I hope you are, too. Check this one out early, and share it with others: Thanks, Robby Robby Mook Campaign Manager Hillary for America P.S. Putting spots like this on TV costs real money — donate today, and help make sure more voters in Iowa and New Hampshire learn about Hillary and what she stands for.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh — This week, our campaign starts telling Hillary’s story on TV in our first ads. I’m really proud of this — I hope you are, too. Check this one out early, and share it with others: Thanks, Robby Robby Mook Campaign Manager Hillary for America P.S. Putting spots like this on TV costs real money — donate today, and help make sure more voters in Iowa and New Hampshire learn about Hillary and what she stands for.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review for 2015-16 Policy repo rate unchanged at 7.25% Kept the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 7.25%. kept the cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks unchanged at 4% of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL); Continue to provide liquidity under overnight repos at 0.25% of bank-wise NDTL at the LAF repo rate and liquidity under 14-day term repos as well as longer term repos of up to 0.75% of NDTL of the banking system through auctions… [ 1180 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review for 2015-16 Policy repo rate unchanged at 7.25% Kept the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 7.25%. kept the cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks unchanged at 4% of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL); Continue to provide liquidity under overnight repos at 0.25% of bank-wise NDTL at the LAF repo rate and liquidity under 14-day term repos as well as longer term repos of up to 0.75% of NDTL of the banking system through auctions… [ 1180 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review for 2015-16 Policy repo rate unchanged at 7.25% Kept the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 7.25%. kept the cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks unchanged at 4% of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL); Continue to provide liquidity under overnight repos at 0.25% of bank-wise NDTL at the LAF repo rate and liquidity under 14-day term repos as well as longer term repos of up to 0.75% of NDTL of the banking system through auctions… [ 35 more words. ]
Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review for 2015-16 Policy repo rate unchanged at 7.25% Kept the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 7.25%. kept the …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review for 2015-16 Policy repo rate unchanged at 7.25% Kept the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 7.25%. kept the cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks unchanged at 4% of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL); Continue to provide liquidity under overnight repos at 0.25% of bank-wise NDTL at the LAF repo rate and liquidity under 14-day term repos as well as longer term repos of up to 0.75% of NDTL of the banking system through auctions… [ 35 more words. ]
Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Review for 2015-16 Policy repo rate unchanged at 7.25% Kept the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 7.25%. kept the …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
RT 16 hrs · BREAKING Two cranes fall onto houses in western Netherlands, 20 feared injured At least 20 people are feared injured after two cranes collapsed on a housing in the western Netherlands, Dutch media reported. RT.COM
RT 16 hrs · BREAKING Two cranes fall onto houses in western Netherlands, 20 feared injured At least 20 people are feared injured after two cranes collapsed on a housing in the western Netherlands, …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
RT 16 hrs · BREAKING Two cranes fall onto houses in western Netherlands, 20 feared injured At least 20 people are feared injured after two cranes collapsed on a housing in the western Netherlands, Dutch media reported. RT.COM
RT 16 hrs · BREAKING Two cranes fall onto houses in western Netherlands, 20 feared injured At least 20 people are feared injured after two cranes collapsed on a housing in the western Netherlands, …
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Is Cold war between RBI Guv& Gov-over ?
RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Tuesday agree on doing away with the veto power of the central bank chief, arguing it would be better for a…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Is Cold war between RBI Guv& Gov-over ? RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Tuesday agree on doing away with the veto power of the central bank chief, arguing it would be better for a committee to decide the key rate rather than one individual.”Currently, the situation is governor has a veto, that is, effectively all advice is only advice and the ultimate decision is of Governor’s. [ 28 more words. ]
Is Cold war between RBI Guv& Gov-over ? RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Tuesday agree on doing away with the veto power of the central bank chief, arguing it would be better for a committee to d…
Is Cold war between RBI Guv& Gov-over
RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Tuesday agree on doing away with the veto power of the central bank chief, arguing it would be better for a committee to decide the key rate rather than one individual.”Currently, the situation is governor has a veto, that is, effectively all advice is only advice and the ultimate decision is of Governor’s. So, if we continue to retain a veto, it doesn’t change the current situation. It maintains the status quo. That is something to keep in mind,” Rajan said.
RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Tuesday agree on doing away with the veto power of the central bank chief, arguing it would be better for a committee to decide the key rate rather than one individual.”Currently, the situation is governor has a veto, that is, effectively all advice is only advice and the ultimate decision is of Governor’s. So, if we continue to retain a veto, it doesn’t change the current situation. It maintains the status quo. That is something to keep in mind,” Rajan said.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Aug 10 CPR is pleased to invite you to a book discussion on Creating a New Medina: State, Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India Monday, 10 August 2015, 3:30 p.m. Venkat Dhulipala Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research From the cover of Creating a New Medina: State, Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan… [ 416 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Aug 10 CPR is pleased to invite you to a book discussion on Creating a New Medina: State, Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India Monday, 10 August 2015, 3:30 p.m. Venkat Dhulipala Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research From the cover of Creating a New Medina: State, Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan… [ 416 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
With RG 32 mins · Democracy is being murdered: Congress President Sonia Gandhi on suspension of 25MPs #BJPKilledDemocracy
With RG 32 mins · Democracy is being murdered: Congress President Sonia Gandhi on suspension of 25MPs #BJPKilledDemocracy
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
With RG 32 mins · Democracy is being murdered: Congress President Sonia Gandhi on suspension of 25MPs #BJPKilledDemocracy
With RG 32 mins · Democracy is being murdered: Congress President Sonia Gandhi on suspension of 25MPs #BJPKilledDemocracy
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
CAIT CALLS UPON POLITICAL PARTIES TO PASS GST BILL IN PARLIAMENT The stalling of Goods & Services Tax Bill in Parliament is a matter of great concern for the trade and industry in the Country and as such the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) while taking a strong exception to this has appealed all political parties including main Opposition party Congress to pass the Bill and do not become and instrument in depriving the Country from one of the biggest tax reforms which is eagerly awaited.The CAIT has decided to meet leaders of major political parties to urge upon them to pass the GST Bill. [ 233 more words. ]
CAIT CALLS UPON POLITICAL PARTIES TO PASS GST BILL IN PARLIAMENT The stalling of Goods & Services Tax Bill in Parliament is a matter of great concern for the trade and industry in the Country a…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
CAIT CALLS UPON POLITICAL PARTIES TO PASS GST BILL IN PARLIAMENT The stalling of Goods & Services Tax Bill in Parliament is a matter of great concern for the trade and industry in the Country and as such the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) while taking a strong exception to this has appealed all political parties including main Opposition party Congress to pass the Bill and do not become and instrument in depriving the Country from one of the biggest tax reforms which is eagerly awaited.The CAIT has decided to meet leaders of major political parties to urge upon them to pass the GST Bill. [ 233 more words. ]
CAIT CALLS UPON POLITICAL PARTIES TO PASS GST BILL IN PARLIAMENT The stalling of Goods & Services Tax Bill in Parliament is a matter of great concern for the trade and industry in the Country a…
The stalling of Goods & Services Tax Bill in Parliament is a matter of great concern for the trade and industry in the Country and as such the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) while taking a strong exception to this has appealed all political parties including main Opposition party Congress to pass the Bill and do not become and instrument in depriving the Country from one of the biggest tax reforms whi…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh — Know what’s better than a free meal? Sharing that free meal with Hillary on the campaign trail while you chat about what matters most to you. For a limited time only, be automatically entered to win a dinner with Hillary (airfare and hotel included!) by sharing your personalized sign-up page with friends and family. Each time a new friend enters, your name is automatically thrown into the hat again! [ 71 more words. ]
Naresh — Know what’s better than a free meal? Sharing that free meal with Hillary on the campaign trail while you chat about what matters most to you. For a limited time only, be automatically ent…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh — Know what’s better than a free meal? Sharing that free meal with Hillary on the campaign trail while you chat about what matters most to you. For a limited time only, be automatically entered to win a dinner with Hillary (airfare and hotel included!) by sharing your personalized sign-up page with friends and family. Each time a new friend enters, your name is automatically thrown into the hat again! [ 71 more words. ]
Naresh — Know what’s better than a free meal? Sharing that free meal with Hillary on the campaign trail while you chat about what matters most to you. For a limited time only, be automatically ent…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Belmond Names Philippe Cassis as Chief Operating Officer August 3, 2015 Belmond Ltd., a global collection of 46 hotel, rail and river cruise experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring destinations, today announced the appointment of Philippe Cassis as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. Cassis most recently served as Chief Executive Officer at Sun Resorts Ltd., where he oversaw the successful growth of the company’s portfolio of luxury destination resorts. [ 224 more words. ]
Belmond Names Philippe Cassis as Chief Operating Officer August 3, 2015 Belmond Ltd., a global collection of 46 hotel, rail and river cruise experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring dest…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Belmond Names Philippe Cassis as Chief Operating Officer August 3, 2015 Belmond Ltd., a global collection of 46 hotel, rail and river cruise experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring destinations, today announced the appointment of Philippe Cassis as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. Cassis most recently served as Chief Executive Officer at Sun Resorts Ltd., where he oversaw the successful growth of the company’s portfolio of luxury destination resorts. [ 224 more words. ]
Belmond Names Philippe Cassis as Chief Operating Officer August 3, 2015 Belmond Ltd., a global collection of 46 hotel, rail and river cruise experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring dest…
Belmond Names Philippe Cassis as Chief Operating Officer
August 3, 2015
Belmond Ltd., a global collection of 46 hotel, rail and river cruise experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring destinations, today announced the appointment of Philippe Cassis as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. Cassis most recently served as Chief Executive Officer at Sun Resorts Ltd., where he oversaw the successful growth of the company’s portfolio of luxury destination resort…
Belmond Ltd., a global collection of 46 hotel, rail and river cruise experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring destinations, today announced the appointment of Philippe Cassis as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. Cassis most recently served as Chief Executive Officer at Sun Resorts Ltd., where he oversaw the successful growth of the company’s portfolio of luxury destination resort…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PEOPLE’;S MOVEMENTS National Office : 6/6 Jangpura B, New Delhi – 110 014 . Phone : 011 2437 4535 | 9818905316 E-mail: | Web : Activists from Mumbai offered support to Narmada Jeevan Adhikar Satyagrah Mumbai: 4th August, 2015: The prominent social and media activist from Mumbai will be joining Jeevan Adhikar Satyagrah (right to life) starting from 12th August onwards at Rajghat, Badwani, which shall be indefinite… [ 280 more words. ]
NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PEOPLE’;S MOVEMENTS National Office : 6/6 Jangpura B, New Delhi – 110 014 . Phone : 011 2437 4535 | 9818905316 E-mail: | Web : Activist…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PEOPLE’;S MOVEMENTS National Office : 6/6 Jangpura B, New Delhi – 110 014 . Phone : 011 2437 4535 | 9818905316 E-mail: | Web : Activists from Mumbai offered support to Narmada Jeevan Adhikar Satyagrah Mumbai: 4th August, 2015: The prominent social and media activist from Mumbai will be joining Jeevan Adhikar Satyagrah (right to life) starting from 12th August onwards at Rajghat, Badwani, which shall be indefinite… [ 280 more words. ]
NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PEOPLE’;S MOVEMENTS National Office : 6/6 Jangpura B, New Delhi – 110 014 . Phone : 011 2437 4535 | 9818905316 E-mail: | Web : Activist…
National Office : 6/6 Jangpura B, New Delhi – 110 014 . Phone : 011 2437 4535 | 9818905316
E-mail: | Web :
National Office : 6/6 Jangpura B, New Delhi – 110 014 . Phone : 011 2437 4535 | 9818905316
E-mail: | Web :
Activists from Mumbai offered support to Narmada Jeevan Adhikar Satyagrah
Dear Mr Sagar,
FICCI, in collaboration with Global Wi-Fi Broadband Alliance, cordially invites you to a half-day seminar titled “India – Wi-Fi and Connected City Development”, which will bring together experts from San Jose, Singapore and Seoul with their Indian counterparts, to be held on Thursday, August 13, 2015, from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm, followed by lunch, at FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Dear Mr Sagar, FICCI, in collaboration with Global Wi-Fi Broadband Alliance, cordially invites you to a half-day seminar titled “India – Wi-Fi and Connected City Development”, which will bring together experts from San Jose, Singapore and Seoul with their Indian counterparts, to be held on Thursday, August 13, 2015, from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm, followed by lunch, at FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi. [ 432 more words. ]
Dear Mr Sagar, FICCI, in collaboration with Global Wi-Fi Broadband Alliance, cordially invites you to a half-day seminar titled “India – Wi-Fi and Connected City Development”, which will bring toge…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Dear Mr Sagar, FICCI, in collaboration with Global Wi-Fi Broadband Alliance, cordially invites you to a half-day seminar titled “India – Wi-Fi and Connected City Development”, which will bring together experts from San Jose, Singapore and Seoul with their Indian counterparts, to be held on Thursday, August 13, 2015, from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm, followed by lunch, at FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi. [ 432 more words. ]
Dear Mr Sagar, FICCI, in collaboration with Global Wi-Fi Broadband Alliance, cordially invites you to a half-day seminar titled “India – Wi-Fi and Connected City Development”, which will bring toge…
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Jaanisaar Celebrity Guests: Muzaffar Ali (umrao jaan Director) Imran Abbas (Pakistani Actor & Creature 3D fame) Pernia Qureshi Meera Ali (producer) Time : 7:00 p.m Date :4th August (Tuesday) Venue : The Lalit, Barakhamba Avenue, Connaught Place
Jaanisaar Celebrity Guests: Muzaffar Ali (umrao jaan Director) Imran Abbas (Pakistani Actor & Creature 3D fame) Pernia Qureshi Meera Ali (producer) Time : 7:00 p.m Date :4th August (Tuesda…
You became friends on Facebook with 2 people.
Monday, 4 August 2014
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Greetings from The German National Tourist Office, India. We acknowledge your registration at the Discover Germany Workshop to be held tomorrow in New Delhi on 05th August 2014 at the The Taj Mahal Hotel. Look forward to your presence at the event… [ 133 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Why is BJP govt Shielding Sheila Dikshit ? Why is she not being removed ? From: Media Cell AAP Mon, 4 Aug ’14 6:31p To: undisclosed-recipients:; Show full Headers The attempts by the BJP’s central government to ignore… [ 542 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Uttar Pradesh releases RfP for 300 MW BRIDGE TO INDIA To Me Today at 7:21 PM INDIA SOLAR WEEKLY MARKET UPDATE August 4th, 2014 Uttar Pradesh releases RfP for 300 MW The state of Uttar Pradesh released a Request for Proposal (RfP) for 300 MW of solar… [ 651 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Uttar Pradesh releases RfP for 300 MW BRIDGE TO INDIA To Me Today at 7:21 PM INDIA SOLAR WEEKLY MARKET UPDATE August 4th, 2014 Uttar Pradesh releases RfP for 300 MW The state of Uttar Pradesh released a Request for Proposal (RfP) for 300 MW of solar… [ 651 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Uttar Pradesh releases RfP for 300 MW BRIDGE TO INDIA To Me Today at 7:21 PM INDIA SOLAR WEEKLY MARKET UPDATE August 4th, 2014 Uttar Pradesh releases RfP for 300 MW The state of Uttar Pradesh released a Request for Proposal (RfP) for 300 MW of solar… [ 651 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Oriental Bank of Commerce Q1 Financial Results of FY 2014-15 4082014 Mr S. L. Bansal CMD, Oriental Bank of Commerce accompanied by EDs Mr Bhupinder Nayyar & Mr Suresh N Patel announced the Q1 Financial Results of FY 2014-15 at Bank’s Corporate Office in… [ 704 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Oriental Bank of Commerce Q1 Financial Results of FY 2014-15 4082014 Mr S. L. Bansal CMD, Oriental Bank of Commerce accompanied by EDs Mr Bhupinder Nayyar & Mr Suresh N Patel announced the Q1 Financial Results of FY 2014-15 at Bank’s Corporate Office in… [ 704 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Oriental Bank of Commerce Q1 Financial Results of FY 2014-15 4082014 Mr S. L. Bansal CMD, Oriental Bank of Commerce accompanied by EDs Mr Bhupinder Nayyar & Mr Suresh N Patel announced the Q1 Financial Results of FY 2014-15 at Bank’s Corporate Office in… [ 704 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Dainik Bhaskar 14 hrs · ये हैं देश के FUTURE LEADERS, आइए करते हैं इनसे मुलाकात……/NAT-these-kids-may-be-ruling-india… [ 4 more words. ]
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
Dainik Bhaskar 14 hrs · ये हैं देश के FUTURE LEADERS, आइए करते हैं इनसे मुलाकात……/NAT-these-kids-may-be-ruling-india… [ 4 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
@narendramodi : Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple 4082014 Narendra Modi @narendramodi 8m Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple this Edit : Edit… [ 2337 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
@narendramodi : Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple 4082014 Narendra Modi @narendramodi 8m Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple this Edit : Edit… [ 2337 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
@narendramodi : Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple 4082014 Narendra Modi @narendramodi 8m Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple this Edit : Edit… [ 2337 more words. ]
by Sagar Media Inc
Naresh Kumar Sagar published an article on WordPress.
@narendramodi : Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple 4082014 Narendra Modi @narendramodi 8m Felt extremely blessed on offering prayers at the Pashupatinath Temple this Edit : Edit… [ 2337 more words. ]
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Quake shakes north-eastern Japan, no tsunami risk A strong earthquake has shaken…
Quake shakes north-eastern Japan, no tsunami risk A strong earthquake has shaken north-eastern Japan in the same region devastated by a giant tsunami and temblor 2.5-years ago. There were no immediate reports of injuries from the quake with a ……
Quake shakes north-eastern Japan, no tsunami risk A strong earthquake has shaken…
Quake shakes north-eastern Japan, no tsunami risk A strong earthquake has shaken north-eastern Japan in the same region devastated by a giant tsunami and temblor 2.5-years ago. There were no immediate reports of injuries from the quake with a ……
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack…
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack near Indian Consulate in Jalalabad city of Afghanistan, which left 12 persons dead. “The United States condemns in strongest terms the attack near the ……
Rudd set September 7 parliamentary election 4082013 Five weeks after he seized the Labor…
Rudd set September 7 parliamentary election 4082013 Five weeks after he seized the Labor leadership, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Sunday set September 7 as the date for the country’s next parliamentary elections. “It’s on. A few moments ago ……
Rudd set September 7 parliamentary election
Five weeks after he seized the Labor leadership, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Sunday set September 7 as the date for the country’s next parliamentary elections. “It’s on. A few moments ago I saw the governor-general and asked … Continue…
Rudd set September 7 parliamentary election
Five weeks after he seized the Labor leadership, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Sunday set September 7 as the date for the country’s next parliamentary elections. “It’s on. A few moments ago I saw the governor-general and asked … Continue…
Rudd set September 7 parliamentary election
Five weeks after he seized the Labor leadership, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Sunday set September 7 as the date for the country’s next parliamentary elections. “It’s on. A few moments ago I saw the governor-general and asked … Continue…
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack…
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack near Indian Consulate in Jalalabad city of Afghanistan, which left 12 persons dead. “The United States condemns in strongest terms the attack near the ……
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack…
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack near Indian Consulate in Jalalabad city of Afghanistan, which left 12 persons dead. “The United States condemns in strongest terms the attack near the ……
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack…
US condemns blast near Indian Consulate in Afghanistan US has condemned the suicide bomb attack near Indian Consulate in Jalalabad city of Afghanistan, which left 12 persons dead. “The United States condemns in strongest terms the attack near the ……
Indian Police Team Bags 11gold, 6 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals at the World Police Games …
Indian Police Team Bags 11gold, 6 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals at the World Police Games At the XV World Police & Fire Games 2013 being held at BelfastIndian Police Team has displayed a strong performance by winning 8 Gold , 4…
Indian Police Team Bags 11gold, 6 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals at the World Police Games …
Indian Police Team Bags 11gold, 6 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals at the World Police Games At the XV World Police & Fire Games 2013 being held at BelfastIndian Police Team has displayed a strong performance by winning 8 Gold , 4…
Mugabe declared winner in Zimbabwe election Zimbabwe’s election commission has announced that…
Mugabe declared winner in Zimbabwe election Zimbabwe’s election commission has announced that 89-year old president Robert Mugabe won Wednesday’s presidential contest. The election was, in effect, a two-man race between Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan…
Mugabe declared winner in Zimbabwe election Zimbabwe’s election commission has announced that…
Mugabe declared winner in Zimbabwe election Zimbabwe’s election commission has announced that 89-year old president Robert Mugabe won Wednesday’s presidential contest. The election was, in effect, a two-man race between Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan…
Mugabe declared winner in Zimbabwe election Zimbabwe’s election commission has announced that…
Mugabe declared winner in Zimbabwe election Zimbabwe’s election commission has announced that 89-year old president Robert Mugabe won Wednesday’s presidential contest. The election was, in effect, a two-man race between Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new president. Rouhani was inaugurated as Iran’s 7th president on Saturday when he received a mandate from the country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rouhani pledged to…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new president. Rouhani was inaugurated as Iran’s 7th president on Saturday when he received a mandate from the country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rouhani pledged to…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new president. Rouhani…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new president. Rouhani was inaugurated as Iran’s 7th president on Saturday when he received a mandate from the country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rouhani pledged to…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new…
Rouhani is Iran’s new president with new hopes Hassan Rouhani is Iran’s new president. Rouhani was inaugurated as Iran’s 7th president on Saturday when he received a mandate from the country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rouhani pledged to…
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis …
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis Supporters of the Islamist Ennahda movement wave flags as they chant slogans during a…
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis …
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis Supporters of the Islamist Ennahda movement wave flags as they chant slogans during a…
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis …
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis Supporters of the Islamist Ennahda movement wave flags as they chant slogans during a…
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis …
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis Supporters of the Islamist Ennahda movement wave flags as they chant slogans during a…
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis …
Happenings around he world Massive pro-govt rally held in Tunis Supporters of the Islamist Ennahda movement wave flags as they chant slogans during a…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If US, UK, China, Japan and EU make improvements in their policies in mutually reinforcing ways,…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If US, UK, China, Japan and EU make improvements in their policies in mutually reinforcing ways,…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If US, UK, China, Japan and EU make improvements in their policies in mutually reinforcing ways,…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If US, UK, China, Japan and EU make improvements in their policies in mutually reinforcing ways,…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If…
Concerted Policy Actions needed to increase Global GDP: IMF If US, UK, China, Japan and EU make improvements in their policies in mutually reinforcing ways,…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4,…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4, 2013 by…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4,…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Oriental Bank of Commerce HIGHLIGHTS OF FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 Rs. In Crore) Q1 FY-2013-14 Q1 FY-2012-13 % Growth (YoY) Operating Profit…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4,…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Oriental Bank of Commerce HIGHLIGHTS OF FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 Rs. In Crore) Q1 FY-2013-14 Q1 FY-2012-13 % Growth (YoY) Operating Profit…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4,…
Oriental Bank of Commerce FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Oriental Bank of Commerce HIGHLIGHTS OF FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR Q1 OF FY-2013-14 Rs. In Crore) Q1 FY-2013-14 Q1 FY-2012-13 % Growth (YoY) Operating Profit…
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers,…
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers, farmers and small scale entrepreneur The BJP is opposed to the dilution of the mandatory 30% local sourcing norms for multi-brand retailers and permitting ……
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers,…
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers, farmers and small scale entrepreneur The BJP is opposed to the dilution of the mandatory 30% local sourcing norms for multi-brand retailers and permitting ……
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers,…
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers, farmers and small scale entrepreneur The BJP is opposed to the dilution of the mandatory 30% local sourcing norms for multi-brand retailers and permitting ……
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers,…
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers, farmers and small scale entrepreneur The BJP is opposed to the dilution of the mandatory 30% local sourcing norms for multi-brand retailers and permitting ……
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers,…
Easing of Retail FDI norms by Union Government – Betrayal of Millions of small retailers, farmers and small scale entrepreneur The BJP is opposed to the dilution of the mandatory 30% local sourcing norms for multi-brand retailers and permitting ……
3.375 BCM of Water Overflowed UKAI & SSP Dams in 24 Hrs (C)August04, 2013 Over 30% of…
3.375 BCM of Water Overflowed UKAI & SSP Dams in 24 Hrs (C)August04, 2013 Over 30% of waters allocated to Gujarat in Narmada River by NWDT overflowing in 24 hours Dams August03, 2013 is the ugliest scene in case of … Continue reading →
3.375 BCM of Water Overflowed UKAI & SSP Dams in 24 Hrs (C)August04, 2013 Over 30% of…
3.375 BCM of Water Overflowed UKAI & SSP Dams in 24 Hrs (C)August04, 2013 Over 30% of waters allocated to Gujarat in Narmada River by NWDT overflowing in 24 hours Dams August03, 2013 is the ugliest scene in case of … Continue reading →
3.375 BCM of Water Overflowed UKAI & SSP Dams in 24 Hrs (C)August04, 2013 Over 30% of…
3.375 BCM of Water Overflowed UKAI & SSP Dams in 24 Hrs (C)August04, 2013 Over 30% of waters allocated to Gujarat in Narmada River by NWDT overflowing in 24 hours Dams August03, 2013 is the ugliest scene in case of … Continue reading →
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4,…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Standard IndiaⳠbiggest dance celebration drew to a close Akshay…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4,…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Standard IndiaⳠbiggest dance celebration drew to a close Akshay…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4,…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Standard IndiaⳠbiggest dance celebration drew to a close Akshay…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4,…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Standard IndiaⳠbiggest dance celebration drew to a close Akshay…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4,…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Standard IndiaⳠbiggest dance celebration drew to a close Akshay…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4,…
MJ5 wins Star Plus⠉IndiaⳠDancing Superstar Posted on August 4, 2013 by sagarmedia Standard IndiaⳠbiggest dance celebration drew to a close Akshay…
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Sorry for delay to say happy birthday sir ji. Now again belated happy birthday.
Naresh Kumar Sagar shared a link.
Press Conference Epic Ramayan Serial on Zee 4344
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Naresh Kumar Sagar shared a link.
Please note by clicking on “Post Comment” you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Service and the comment you are posting is in compliance with such terms. Be polite. Inappropriate posts may be removed by the moderator. Send…
@narendramodi Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India-tweets from-narendramodi Narendra Modi
Have come to know through media about Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s surgery. I pray for her speedy recovery & good health.
Have come to know through media about Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s surgery. I pray for her speedy recovery & good health.
You became friends on Facebook with 3 people.
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- Message
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Fogh Rasmussen New NATO chief
2009-08-04 05:34:17 – Fogh Rasmussen, the former Danish prime minister became secretary general on August 1,said success in the country was NATO’s top priority, “to help prevent Afghanistan from becoming …
That’s all for today.
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