“Fraunhofer should now consider to establish their 68th Fraunhofer institute in INDIA” – Minister HI&PE Shri. Anant Geete
“Fraunhofer should now consider to establish their 68th Fraunhofer institute in INDIA” – Shri. Anant Geete, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises (HI&PE), Govt.
Highlighting possible Indo-German cooperation at the 4th Fraunhofer Innovation & Technology Platform s
New Delhi, 2nd September, 2016:The ‘4th Fraunhofer Innovation & Technology Platform 2016’ held in New Delhi on 2nd September in Co-operation with Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Government of India & Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Power and Mines, Government of India & Supported by Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) witnessed more than 200+ participants across all section of CEOs/CTOs, R&D professionals, Media and decision makers from the Government.
The event began with a welcome address & lamp lighting followed by plenary session by Ms. Anandi Iyer, Director Fraunhofer Office India, Prof. Frank Treppe, Director Corporate Strategy and International Relations, Fraunhofer, Mr. Dietrich Graf von Schulenburg, Head of Culture, German Embassy – New Delhi, Prof. Boris Otto, Head of the Fraunhofer Innovation Center for Logistics and IT (FILIT) & Chairman 4th FIT Platform, and Dr. Arabinda Mitra Adviser & Head, International Bilateral Cooperation IGSTC, and was inaugurated by the Guest of Honour, Shri. Anant Geete,Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises (HI&PE), Govt.
Shri. Anant Geete Lighting the lamp
Two special studies on “Energy – The Solar PV Manufacturing in India”&“Industrial Data Space Digital Sovereignty Indo-German perspective”. The paper on ‘The Solar PV Manufacturing in India’ by Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy, Freiburg highlights the opportunities and challenges in India with the main focus on how Technology from Germany and the economies of scale in manufacturing in India can provide an formidable response to the Chinese hegemony. The paper on Indsutrie 4.0, highlights Study focussing on Industrie 4.0, the role of data and the Industrial Data Space, demonstrating how the engineering prowess of Germany and the Software expertise of India can create a new world order in Manufacturing in India.
The event then proceeded with three Parallel Technical Sessions on Smart Manufacturing, Smart Energy and Smart Cities. The session on Smart Manufacturingbegan with a keynote address by Shri. Girish Shankar, Secretary, Department of Heavy Industry, Govt. of India, followed by powerful presentation on Digital Manufacturing and Industrial Data Space by Prof. Dr. Boris Otto, Electromobility: Smart Mobility combines Smart Manufacturing by Prof. Matthias Busse, Director, Fraunhofer IFAM & CEO Fraunhofer Electromobility Forum, Green Advanced Technologies: A Great Way to Greater Benefits in Manufacturing by Dr. Andreas Sterzing, Senior Head of the Department Bulk Metal Forming & Mr. Peter Blau, Senior Head of Department, Machine Tools and Automation, Fraunhofer IWU, Designing Smart Components by Mr. Michael Matthias, Head Adaptronics, Head of Department Actuators and Sensors, Fraunhofer LBF, Connected Adaptive Production – The Role of Manufacturing in Smart Production Environments. By Dr. Markus Zeis, Team Leader, Fraunhofer IPT, andManufacturing in the Indian market – Challenges and Opportunities by Mr. Dattatreya Gaur, Senior Vice President Bosch India.
The second parallel session on ‘Smart Energy’began with a keynote address by Shri. Dr. Inderjit Singh, Additional Secretary, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy and Power, followed by influential presentation on Renewables and their contribution to the Smart Energy Mix by Prof. Dr. Eicke Weber, Renewed Push for a more Sustainable Energy Programme in India by Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute TERI, Smart Grids – an imperative to ensure reliable energy by Mr. Fabian Niedermeyer, Research Associate at the Division Systems Engineering and Distribution Grids, Fraunhofer IWES, View into the future – Foresight as an innovation strategy byDr. Ewa Doenitz, Senior Researcher, Competence Center Foresight, Fraunhofer ISI andCold Thermal Energy Storage for Load Management of the Power Grid by Dr. Clemens Pollerberg, Group Leader, Fraunhofer UMSICHT.
The third parallel session on ‘Smart Cities’,began with a keynote address Shri. Sajeesh Kumar N, Director (SC– II), Ministry of Urban Development Govt. of India, followed by key presentation on Smart City Labs: Best Practices from Global experiences by Dr. Jennifer Dungs, Director, Mobility and Urban Systems Engineering, Fraunhofer IAO, The Indian Industry’s participation in the Smart City Programme by Mr. James Caton, Head, Smarter Cities & Infrastructure L&T,Industrial Corridor – An Engine for Economic Growth – by Mr. Alkesh Kumar Sharma, CEO DMICDC ( Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited), India’s Smart City Programme and the role of Multipliers by Mr Anand Madhavan, Head Infrastructure Practice, IMACS, German Smart City Consortiumby Mr. Dhiraj Wali, Vice President, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions, What about Smart Villages? by Dr. Mathias Kretschmer, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, and Indo German Water Partnership by Mr. Aditya Bhujle, India representative, Indo German Water partnership.
The event also showcased a special session on Fraunhofer Academy Capacity building with India – Advanced Training made by Fraunhofer by Ms. Clara Tu, Fraunhofer Academy and Telsche Nielsen-Lange,
Fraunhofer IWES, followed by Fraunhofer Spin Offs: Ready to market Technologies for India by Dr. Clemens Pollerberg, Group Leader, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT.
The concluding plenary session was a high powered Panel Discussion by Prof. Frank Treppe, Prof. Dr. Boris Otto, Prof. Dr. Eicke Weber, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Busse, Dr. Jennifer Dungs followed by a concluding remark by the Guest of Honour Shri. Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India), Govt. of India.
The event set the pace for understanding the issues and challenges related to the complex subject of Smart Cities / Smart Manufacturing / Smart Energy and also showcased Fraunhofer expertise in smart solutions and models for India. The presence and guidance of Govt. officials and Industry leaders at this session ensured the technology interventions and cooperation models chosen with the greatest care and received the due attention they deserved from Industry and Government.
Speaking on the long Indo-German relationship, and association with Fraunhofer, Shri. Anant Geete made a statement that Fraunhofer should now consider to establish their 68th Fraunhofer institute in INDIA. Highlighting on the Smart Manufacturing capability along with many others like Smart cities, smart mobility, smart energy, Shri, Anant Geete also mentioned that the department looks forward to many collaborations with Fraunhofer in the mentioned field.
About FraunhoferThe Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Its research activities are conducted by 67 institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft employs a staff of 24,000, who work with an annual research budget totaling more than 2.1 billion euros. Of this sum, more than 1.8 billion euros is generated through contract research. More than 70 percent of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s contract research revenue is derived from contracts with industry and from publicly financed research projects. International collaborations with excellent research partners and innovative companies around the world ensure direct access to regions of the greatest importance to present and future scientific progress and economic development.
Media Contacts: Ms. Mahima Tamang Shrestha, Manager – Communication, Fraunhofer Office India. Mahima.tamang@fraunhofer.inTel : +91 80 40965008/9 M: +91 99163 59570
Warm Regards,
UNESCO Asia- Pacific Heritage Awards
Restoration of prayer hall at Japan shrine wins top honor in UNESCO Asia- Pacific Heritage Awards
Sanro-Den Hall at Sukunahikona Shrine in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan receives 2016 Award of Excellence in 2016
BANGKOK, 1 September 2016 — The Restoration of the Sanro-Den Hall at Sukunahikona Shrine in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, has received the Award of Excellence in this year’s UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
A total of 13 winning projects from six countries – Australia, China, India, Iran, Japan and Pakistan – have been recognized in this year’s Heritage Awards. A panel of international conservation experts met in Bangkok to review the 40 Heritage Awards entries, including 34 in the Conservation category and six for New Design.
Duong Bich Hanh, Chair of the Jury and Chief of UNESCO Bangkok’s Culture Unit, said she was pleased to see the Heritage Awards encourage good conservation practices in the region. “Jury members were delighted with the quality of this year’s entries to the Heritage Awards,” Ms. Hanh said. “This showed increased knowledge and higher standards in conservation work across Asia-Pacific.”.
This year’s Award of Excellence winner, the Sanro-Den Hall, a prayer hall atSukunahikona Shrine in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, is an exceptional example of community stewardship enlisted in the conservation of a heritage site of unique architectural and cultural value. The project epitomizes the efficacy of grass-roots advocacy, coupled with traditional building practices, in extending the life of distinctive 20th-centuryKakezukuri structure, successfully returning it to a central place in the cultural life of the local community.
Jury members also agreed to revise the regulations regarding how old a site must be to be eligible for the awards, reflecting a growing awareness in the conservation field of the importance of recognizing cultural heritage that is less than 50 years old, which is in growing danger. The revised regulations will be available via the UNESCO Bangkok website at the end of this year, and will be applied to entries submitted for next year’s awards.
Other Awardees included: Award of Distinction:
• Conservation and Restoration of Taoping Qiang Village, Sichuan Province, China
• Conservation of St Olav’s Church, West Bengal, India
Award of Merit:
• Repairs and Restoration to the Cama Building, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, India
• Restoration of Fortification of Walls & Bastions of Mahidpur Fort, Madhya Pradesh, India
• Conservation of the 17th-century Shahi Hammam, Lahore, Pakistan
Honourable Mention:
• Renovation Project of Wu Changshuo Residence Archaeological Site, Zhejiang Province, China
• Fudewan Miners Village of Wenzhou Alunite Mine in China, Zhejiang Province, China
• The World Bank loan Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project, Liu Ancestral Hall Preservation and Renovation Project of Sanmentang Village, Tianzhu County, Guizhou province, China
• Revitalisation of the Old Tai Po Police Station into a Green Hub for Sustainable Living, Hong Kong SAR, China
• Restoration of the Main Building, The Doon School, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
• Darugheh House, Mashad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran
New Design in Heritage Contexts:
• The Brewery Yard, Central Park, Chippendale, Australia
The winners of the 2016 Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation have just been announced; India was extremely well represented in this year’s awards, winning four out of 13:
Award of Distinction:
Conservation of St Olav’s Church, West Bengal, India
Award of Merit:
Repairs and Restoration to the Cama Building, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, India
Restoration of Fortification of Walls & Bastions of Mahidpur Fort, Madhya Pradesh, India
Honorable Mention
Restoration of the Main Building, The Doon School, Dehradun,Uttarakhand, India
An Award of Merit was also given for the Conservation of the 17th-century Shahi Hammam, Lahore, Pakistan.
The full PR is attached and available online here with links to print quality photos:http://goo.gl/zilMis
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Thank you, Naresh
Nksagar — Food Tank is thrilled to highlight
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Magnitude | 7.1 |
Date-Time |
Location | 37.461S 179.182E |
Depth | 30 km |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | Horizontal: 8.7 km; Vertical 4.9 km |
Parameters | Nph = 123; Dmin = 78.2 km; Rmss = 0.92 seconds; Gp = 56° Version = |
Event ID | us 10006jbi |
Naresh: An update on this race:
Naresh —
I want to give you an update on the state of the race, but first, I want to say thank you. If you do enough campaigns, you know that August can be a month where it’s tough to break through — and there were certainly times over the past few weeks when we had to ask you for some extra help.
But here’s the thing: Every time we reached out and explained what was going on, you stepped up.
So we came together and raised more than $140 million this past month. Even better for the road ahead, more than 2.3 million people have now donated to HFA — and the average gift to the campaign in August was about $50.
We’re building an incredible campaign from the ground up. We’ve opened offices all across the country, our volunteer capacity is growing every day, and we’re well on our way to hitting our goal of getting 3 million people registered or committed to vote.
Knowing all that, I feel good about where we are in terms of our organization, our resources, and our enthusiasm. You should feel good, too.
But now we’re in September, Naresh. The entire country is going to be paying attention to what we’re doing, how hard we’re fighting, and whether we have what it takes to defeat Donald Trump.
We’re facing a once-in-a-generation opponent — someone who almost gleefully rejects the fundamental values that define who we are as a people and eagerly ignores the norms of how we’ve practiced our democracy for decades. But we’ve known that.
Now he’s also given us everything we need to predict his strategy going forward.
He shook up his campaign (again) and brought on the head of Brietbart News, a platform of the alt-right that traffics in racist, sexist, and anti-immigrant sentiments, to run the show. He’s added a new line to his stump speech — yelling (to almost-all-white audiences) that African Americans should support him because they “have nothing to lose.” Yesterday, he took a spur-of-the-moment trip to Mexico, met with the country’s president, then lied to the American people about whether or not the two men discussed who would pay for that wall Trump wants to build (they did — Mexico said it won’t be paying).
If we let ourselves get complacent about what a danger Trump represents, or allow the constant barrage of offensive moments from Trump to somehow become normal, then we’re creating a scenario in which he will win this election.
We’re seeing state poll after state poll where our two campaigns are neck-and-neck. We haven’t heard what his August fundraising numbers were, but we suspect they’re going to be very strong. And he’s reserving a lot more TV time for advertising, so we need to prepare ourselves for the impact of that. Trump is throwing his entire legacy (and multiple million-dollar personal checks) into this campaign.
So we’re going to fight hard and proud.
We’re going to take everything we’ve built over the last 18 months — the organizers we’ve hired, the offices we’ve opened, the skills we’ve honed — and we’re going to put it to work.
In the two months ahead, we’ve got events, rallies, and big news moments. There will be three major televised presidential debates that the whole world will be watching closely. We’ll be raising even more money to build an unrivaled Get Out the Vote operation.
There are 68 days until Election Day, Naresh. And it’s an election that will determine the very identity and value system of this country. You’ve already played a huge role on this team, and we’re going to need you at every step of the way going forward. Can you commit to a quick $1 right now — and get us just a little closer to making history together?
Robby Mook
Campaign Manager Hillary for America |
Powering Smart Technologies for a Smarter Planet

New Delhi, September 1, 2016: The 4th Fraunhofer Innovation and Technology (FIT) Platformis scheduled for Friday 2nd Sept in Delhi where international technology experts will be betting big on the prospects of International collaboration in Smart Manufacturing, Smart Energy & Smart Cities in the near future.
The event is hosted in co-operation with the Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Government of India & Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Power and Mines, Government of India and supported by Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC). It will be inaugurated by Shri. Anant Geete, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises (HI&PE), Govt. of India.
The event is being held in Delhi as the thematic focus will warrant participation from senior policy makers and bureaucrats who are major stakeholders and decision makers in the implementation of various Government programs.
Fraunhofer offers a number of ready-to-market technologies and products which will be showcased, as this will create an immediate interest in the IndianIndustry seeking to leapfrog innovation and research. Specific technologies from various Fraunhofer Institutes will be displayed with an objective to excite the Indian Industry with ready-to-market products and the technologies for immediate implementation. A powerful presentation by renowned experts from Fraunhofer and Industry experts from India will showcase the global scenario in the three core areas of Smart Manufacturing, Smart Energy & Smart Cities and provide suggestions for the road ahead for international cooperation.
A pre-event Press Conference is scheduled for 1st September at the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi at 4:00 PM. The Press Conference on 1st September will be addressed by renowned experts from Fraunhofer. All the speakers aim to discuss the technology needs and solutions for the Smart Technology situation in India highlighting the challenges related to the complex subject of Smart Cities / Smart Manufacturing / Smart Energy and also showcase Fraunhofer expertise in smart solutions and models for India. The speakers will also highlight Fraunhofer’s role in strengthening applied research ecosystems globally and its contribution to India. Media representatives are open to attend the Press Conference.
Frank Treppe, Director Corporate Strategy and International Affairs, Fraunhofer,states: “Fraunhofer plays an integral role in creating an International Innovation Ecosystem and seeks to work jointly with India to promote and engage in long-term strategic research and development projects for Industries. Fraunhofer has already signed several MOU’s with industry bodies to promote the same and we look forward to further collaboration”
Prof. Dr. Boris Otto, Head of the Fraunhofer Innovation Center for Logistics and IT (FILIT), adds “India is at pole position in the field of Information Technologies. With Germany’s strengths in Manufacturing, together we can be a force to reckon with in the new global dynamics of cyber-physical systems. The complementary strengths of the two countries are uniquely poised totransform the industriallandscape of the future” hesaid.” he said.
Prof. Dr. Eicke Weber, Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, says:“India can play a key role in rearranging the Renewable Energy leadership in the global context. It is one of the most rapidly evolving markets with a strong outlook towards increasing the contribution of renewable energy in the energy mix. This has to be accompanied by the availability of low-cost reliable manufacturing, distribution and storage systems. This is where the Fraunhofer technology capabilities can collaborate with India to take it to the next level.”
Ms. Anandi Iyer, Director, Fraunhofer Office India,reiterated the commitment of Fraunhofer to India’s growth story. “We are delighted with the response of the Indian Industry, Research Institutions and Government, and look forward to a long and mutually enriching relationship “, she said.
About Fraunhofer
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Its research activities are conducted by 67 institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft employs a staff of 24,000, who work with an annual research budget totaling more than 2.1 billion euros. Of this sum, more than 1.8 billion euros is generated through contract research. More than 70 percent of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s contract research revenue is derived from contracts with industry and from publicly financed research projects. International collaborations with excellent research partners and innovative companies around the world ensure direct access to regions of the greatest importance to present and future scientific progress and economic development.
Fraunhofer has been active in India since the past several years, bringing innovative technologies and research competence to India. Fraunhofer offers applied R&D services in various fields such as technology, textiles and new materials, aviation, food technology, aerospace and ICT. Fraunhofer is the chosen R&D and innovation partner of some of the giant players in the field of Energy, Automotive, Production Technology of Government and Private Organisations.
Media Contacts: Ms. Mahima Tamang Shrestha, Manager – Communication, Fraunhofer Office India. mahima.tamang@fraunhofer.inTel : +91 80 40965008/9 M: +91 99163 59570
Warm Regards,
Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
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