Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Philips Xenium Green Mobiles unveils In India

Shenzhen Sang Fei Consumer Communications that manages Philips branded mobile phones business worldwide today-has launched mobile phones in India are Green friendly these phones are series named Xenium.Philips Xenium series mobile phones X116, X121, X513, X513, X523 X806 X518-models are now available in India-@Rs.1,776, Rs.2,760, Rs.4,776,Rs.4,992, Rs.5,976 & Rs.8,280 respectively. "These highly energy efficient phones are targeted at heavy users, primarily the dynamic business professionals, frequent travelers and anyone who desires to be always connected". The "Xenium" technology saves power by putting the phone in standby mode when it is not in active use.-Dr. Tan Jok Tin, CEO Managing Director, Shenzhen Sang Fei Consumer Communications Co., Ltd. said, “Philips has been in India for 81 years and customers have placed their faith in the brand. I am delighted that Philips’ innovative products are meeting this responsibility well. Philips has been an integral part of Sang Fei since 2007 when we took over Philips global mobile phone business. Today, we are bringing these technologies to India along with our products to continue our success story. I am happy that with Xenium, India is getting a globally proven technology which has already done well in many countries. Apart Xenium,many new technologies in our pipeline to differentiate our products from the cluttered world market of other-mobile brands;.”

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