Friday, July 6, 2012

Intermittent drizzle in Delhi brings cozy temperature.

Intermittent drizzle on today morning in Delhi brings down the temperature and could be signal for scanty rainfall in the Northern zone.Delhi Meteorological department always proposing new dates,postponement of monsoon every week from last twenty days has lowered their credibility.

The drizzling and cloudy morning could be relief  for the beings but for the need of farmers,continuous rain is necessity for their agrarian chorus. Delhiites long wait to get respite from the scorching heat and humidity in the days ahead is not over and Delhi met department has failed to deliver the true picture of arrival of monsoon in Delhi and the overall predictions for their zone.Last month 33% deficit rain is cause of concern but the MET  department has its own reason for explanation.

There is clear indication that rains which has period of less than 100days has lost 25 days without rain in Delhi.Delhi and North zone is heading towards scanty or worst drought.
Government therefore with its National disaster department collaborate with respective departments to engage  the area and take early initiatives with  farmers enabling better water management and  on their agrarian matters.

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